Shen Yun ‘Is So Deep, and It Is So Beautiful,’ Says Philosopher

Shen Yun ‘Is So Deep, and It Is So Beautiful,’ Says Philosopher
Gloria Pérez del Valle (L) and her friend enjoyed Shen Yun at the Auditorio Nacional on May 4, 2023. Lily Yu/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

MEXICO CITY—Gloria Pérez del Valle, philosopher and teacher at Franciscan Institute of Philosophy and Theology, was greatly impressed by the energy conveyed by the artists of Shen Yun Performing Arts.

I want to congratulate them, all of them, because of the energy they convey. They all have discipline. And through these dances, you understand how important discipline is in everything, not just for the show,” said Ms. Pérez del Valle after seeing the opening night performance in Mexico City at the Auditorio Nacional on May 4.
I think discipline is what gives you order inside and outside. And I will tell them that I really look up to them very much, because it’s impressive to see that energy, to see that order, and to see how they express through dance their love for life,“ she said. ”I think that all of them are expressing this energy for life through that.
New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, and its name means “the beauty of divine beings dancing.”
“Everybody wonders what is the meaning of Shen Yun—and I think that it has a very deeper, deeper meaning. And, in a whole way, they express the meaning of this, through the whole dance," said Ms. Pérez del Valle.
“Through the dance, you feel it with your with your senses. It is not just visual, it is also how music comes into your heart and how music moves something inner,“ she said. ”It is so deep, and it is so beautiful. And I think that all the senses are involved in these expressions.”
The experience had an effect of being bathed in sunlight, said Ms. Pérez del Valle, who said above all she would describe it to others as an experience one needed to have for oneself in person. “The surprise of being there is important,” she added.
I think that this is needed in this era or in this time, I think that many people or the whole world needs a new worldview or a new opportunity to address all our intentions. Because I think we are one people and the world itself is just one, and the possibility to inspire people to be better persons. For example, something that was interesting for me, was [in one dance] this banner that the girl was hanging. I read the meaning of truth, compassion, and tolerance. And I think that these three words can express exactly what the whole world needs nowadays.”
“It is a really good opportunity to know more about the Chinese traditions, about the Chinese way of living, and to understand the past as well as the future. Because I think that it’s so complete, the way they perform these traditions through dance. I really appreciate having this opportunity to approach Chinese civilization.”
Reporting by Lily Yu. 
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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