Photographer: Shen Yun Would Be a Dream to Capture on Film

Photographer: Shen Yun Would Be a Dream to Capture on Film
Michael Doucet attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at Marion Oliver McCaw Hall in Seattle, Washington on Apr. 8, 2022. Mary Zhang /Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

SEATTLE—Photographer Michael Doucet had wanted to see Shen Yun Performing Arts for many years, and when the world’s premier Chinese classical dance and music performance came to Seattle, he didn’t hesitate.

“It’s so beautiful. Everyone … comes here to see the beautiful lines and the design. And I love seeing the traditional Chinese dance. It’s so wonderful,” said Doucet, who has his own studio.

New York-based Shen Yun’s mission, above all, is to revive China’s traditional culture. For over 5,000 years, Chinese civilization built a rich culture based on dance, music, theater, scholastic achievements, and spiritual values.
After watching the performance at the Marion Oliver McCaw Hall, Doucet concluded that Shen Yun gave an excellent representation of Chinese traditions and culture.
“When something is good, it’s word of mouth. Everybody loves to tell the world how great something is when it’s great. And [Shen Yun] is wonderful,” he said.

Through the medium of classical and folk dance, the company portrays China’s “divinely inspired” culture, its history, the foibles of the common people and emperors, as well as  many other aspects of life in a country that was once known as the “celestial empire.”

As a photographer, Doucet was particularly attracted to the color combinations in Shen Yun.

“I just love it. I love the traditional colors of pink and green. Together they’re such complementary colors. But I think all Chinese culture is so beautiful,” he said.
Doucet was entranced by Shen Yun’s repertoire of dances. “I liked all of them,” he said as the “Plum Blossom in Spring” dance sprang to mind.
Doucet noted the different styles of dance, especially classical Chinese dance, which incorporates different acrobatic movements.

“It’s so beautiful. I love Chinese culture,” he reiterated.

Doucet said he could feel the spiritual energy in the theater.

“You definitely feel it from being here. I do,” he said. “I feel the beautiful energy from the stage. I feel moved.” He added that when he went home, he would be spending time learning more about Chinese culture.

“It’s such a dream for a photographer to photograph something like [Shen Yun], but I know it is off-limits.”

“And anytime you point your camera at the stage, it’s going to look like a work of art.”

Reporting by Mary Zhang and Diane Cordemans.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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