Shen Yun Is a Beautiful Testament to Traditional Chinese Culture: Professor

Shen Yun Is a Beautiful Testament to Traditional Chinese Culture: Professor
Chris Harris attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Hippodrome Theatre, Baltimore, Md., on Jan. 7, 2022. Sophia Zheng/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom
BALTIMORE, Md.—Shen Yun Performing Arts is a beautiful testament to traditional Chinese culture, a culture that should be celebrated, said Chris Harris who attended a performance at The Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore on Jan. 7.

“It’s spectacular,” said Harris, a professor at the John Hopkins Carey Business School, adding that with such a long history, traditional Chinese culture should not be forgotten.

Based in New York, Shen Yun showcases traditional Chinese culture through the mediums of classical and ethnic dance and music.
The Chinese have enjoyed a spiritually-based culture for thousands of years. Shen Yun portrays this interaction between heavenly beings and mortals, and the teachings that have been the bedrock of Chinese society for thousands of years, under the theme “China before communism.”

“Human beings are more than just numbers,” Harris said. “We are spiritual beings, so it’s important for us to celebrate our … spiritual self.”

Harris felt that the performers’ expression of their heritage and their quest for “self-discovery” was very uplifting. “The performers are projecting such positive energy,” he said.

The entire show was overwhelming, he added, noting the exceptional athletic ability of the dancers.

He praised Shen Yun’s artists for their beautiful performance.

Shen Yun, ‘It’s thousands of years of culture’

Analyst Michael Donnelly and his wife Amy, who were watching Shen Yun for the second time, commented how great it was to watch the performance after being in lockdown for so long.
Michael particularly enjoyed Shen Yun’s colorful folk dances. “It’s thousands of years of culture. There are so many ethnic groups in China … each has [its] own unique flair and style, and it’s nice to see,” he said.
It’s interesting to see how people view heaven and salvation … it's nice to have kind of a unique perspective.
Michael Donnelly

“It’s interesting to see how people view heaven and salvation … it’s nice to have kind of a unique perspective,” Michael said, commenting on Shen Yun’s mini-drama where the Creator descends to earth to offer salvation to people.

John and Kim Brian were also in the audience, watching Shen Yun for the first time.

John, a professor, said that Shen Yun had brought back memories of the Far East, where he grew up, and that he was happy to share some of those memories with his wife.

Both John and Kim felt uplifted by the performance.

“[Shen Yun’s] musicians are exceptional,” John noted of the live orchestra composed of traditional Chinese instruments blended with classical European instruments. He enjoyed the ‘Water Sleeves’ dance, which he called powerful and creative.
Reporting by Sophia Zheng and Diane Cordemans.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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