Shen Yun Inspires Us to ‘Rethink Some of the Ways We Live,’ Says Health CEO

Shen Yun Inspires Us to ‘Rethink Some of the Ways We Live,’ Says Health CEO
Vera Bejatto and Gilberto Nobile enjoyed Shen Yun at the Teatro Bradesco on afternoon of March 19, 2023. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom
SÃO PAULO, Brazil—For Gilberto Nobile and Vera Bejatto, Shen Yun Performing Arts was an uplifting and thought-provoking experience.

“Fantastic, spectacular! It’s a show of harmony, such a well-synchronized show. It’s a beautiful show!” said Mr. Nobile, owner of a health company. “The movements are simply amazing, so in sync, really, really pretty. I mean the clothes, the way they dressed, it was all so delicate. Simply so beautiful!”

Ms. Bejatto, founder and CEO of an award-winning health analytics app, was similarly enthused by the “spectacular!” performance they just saw at the Teatro Bradesco on the afternoon of March 19.

“Chinese culture is wonderful. The discipline, the education, and the respect. And how light they were!” Ms. Bejatto said, inspired to imitate the dancers’ grace and lightness.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, and it is performing in São Paolo, Brazil from March 17 to 22.

Mr. Nobile and Ms. Bejatto felt there was much that audiences could learn from Shen Yun’s presentation of traditional Chinese culture.

“The Eastern culture is so different from the Western culture, so this culture makes us Westerners rethink some of the ways we live, and the way Chinese culture emphasizes certain things,” Ms. Bejatto said.

Mr. Nobile agreed. “This makes us reflect about our daily lives.”

Ms. Bejatto felt this sort of spiritual reflection was “so important!” especially in the world today.

“The world is moving in such a violent direction. When you’ve got a spiritual show like this one, this makes everyone think more about the Creator! Think about that one light shining down,“ she said. ”People are not giving it due importance.”
Mr. Nobile felt many in the world today, especially younger generations, are very far from their spiritual natures, and Shen Yun reminded everyone of it.
“Through dance, they’re able to reflect that which comes from heavens,” he said. “I think it’s great, because they are showing what is currently happening in China, so it’s a story demonstrated through this [dance]. I'd say that one can understand a little more about what is happening today and in the past in China [through this performance.”
Reporting by Mary Mann.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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