Shen Yun Inspires Taiwanese Association President to Think Positively

Shen Yun Inspires Taiwanese Association President to Think Positively
Huang Hui-ying, president of Tainan Real Estate Marketing Agency Association, attends a Shen Yun performance at the Tainan Cultural Center Performing Hall, in Tainan, a city in southern Taiwan, on Sept. 27, 2018. Sun Guo-ying/The Epoch Times

“I do have images come to my mind [while listening to the music]. For example, there was a piece of music about the courtyard, and I almost felt like I could see butterflies flying at such a courtyard. There was also a musical piece about Emperor Taizong, and I could see images of the grandeur [of the Middle Kingdom under Taizong].”

“I think the greatest part of the performance is combining classical Chinese music with Western instruments. The combination, where East meets the West, is truly superb.”

“There were so many different instruments—violin, viola, cello, erhu, pipa, harp, and flute—as well as pengling [hand bells]. … All of these instruments are fused wonderfully together, [Shen Yun musicians] were really great being able to do this.”

“I was at peace [during the performance]. I felt like the music had inspired me to think more positively, to think how there are good things in life. This is wonderful. This is my first experience [with Shen Yun]. I will return with some of my friends. This music should be shared with more people.”

“I didn’t know classical Chinese music could be so beautiful and has such an in-depth meaning [until I came today].”


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