Shen Yun Has ‘Created a Sense of Godliness in the Human Soul,’ Says Filmmaker

Shen Yun Has ‘Created a Sense of Godliness in the Human Soul,’ Says Filmmaker
Filmmaker Sarah Heinz enjoyed Shen Yun's matinee at the Phoenix Orpheum on Feb. 19, 2023. NTD
PHOENIX—When filmmaker Sarah Heinz entered the Phoenix Orpheum on Feb. 19 to attend Shen Yun’s matinee, she had no idea she would find so much connection with the performance and its artists.

Ms. Heinz’s 2021 documentary, “Remembering Heaven,” shared with its viewers the dreams and visions that people have had about their children before they were born.

“It’s so similar to the show, [the idea] that we all come from the heavens,” Ms. Heinz said. “It’s so inspirational because [Shen Yun] is teaching the eternal truth—I didn’t know that came from China 5,000 years ago. I just love it—such talent and beauty in the presentation of it!”

For five millenniums, Chinese people were deeply spiritual and cherished the teachings of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. It was a common belief that the heavens will bless those with a heart of gold.
Yet, after the violent 1949 communist takeover, these traditional beliefs were eradicated and replaced with atheism. Even today, countless Chinese people are being persecuted for their faith.
The mission of New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts is to bring back these traditional values and rediscover the glory of pre-communist China through dance and music. However, for its truthful depiction of the communist regime and its crimes, Shen Yun is currently banned in China.
Ms. Heinz was moved to the core by these artists’ determination.

“A few tears were shed,” she said. “I think [Shen Yun] manifested incredible courage in this presentation. I salute them for that.”

“I like how [the performance] brought in evil, danger, and situations that would take away from the beauty and peace of life—then it taught and brought forth a new world. I loved that. It’s perfect and fits a lot of cultural and religious traditions throughout the world.”
From a filmmaker’s perspective, Ms. Heinz thought Shen Yun was flawless and beautiful. “I don’t have any criticism. All the practice, the talent, the flow of everything was absolutely stunning,” she said.
Beloved by audiences all over the world, Shen Yun is slated to perform in more than 180 cities across five continents this year. Each season, the performing arts company returns with a brand-new set of choreography and compositions.

In addition to thanking the performers for their time and commitment, Ms. Heinz wanted to tell Shen Yun that they are an incredible and beautiful group that has “created a sense of godliness in the human soul.”

Reporting by NTD and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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