Shen Yun: ‘Come Out and See Exactly What the Chinese Culture Is About,’ Says Idaho State Representative

Shen Yun: ‘Come Out and See Exactly What the Chinese Culture Is About,’ Says Idaho State Representative
The Crane family, (L–R) Keaton, Riley, Rochenda, and State Rep. Brent Crane, attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts in Boise, Idaho, on Feb. 18, 2023. Lily Yu/The Epoch Times
BOISE, IdahoState legislator Brent Crane, with his wife Rochenda and children Keaton and Riley, attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts in Boise on Feb. 18 and found it fascinating.
“It’s absolutely fascinating to watch the colors and the brilliance and the stories of Chinese culture come to life,” Rep. Crane said, who is also owner of Crane Alarm Service, a local fire and security company.

“The performers have a ton of energy. And you can tell that they have worked extremely hard to craft this particular dance that they’re trying to do. And it’s fascinating to watch them perform that with execution and excellence.”

Based in New York, Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. To the delight of its audiences worldwide, the company can be expected to present a brand-new set of programs every season.
Rep. Crane was impressed with the traditional Chinese culture he saw on stage.

“I think they’re nailing it 100 percent. It’s been fascinating to watch them talk about how some of these dances go back 5,000 years,” he said. “To think that these were traditional Chinese dances that their ancestors were performing thousands of years ago, and then watch them perform that today is absolutely amazing.”

Rep. Crane felt the mission was “very moving, because they talked about how the fact that this particular production could not be done in China today.”

“I thought about the importance that we have freedom and liberty to perform these types of performances in the United States of America and how fortunate we are to do that,” he said.

As many audience members learn during the performance from the emcees, Shen Yun cannot be seen in China, where the communist government is still persecuting people of faith.

“Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are two tenets of our government,” he said, and such freedoms mean it’s important to allow expression even when people disagree. “Because it’s something someone is trying to convey, a message or a thought, and art can have the ability to do that. And I think it’s very important that you have the ability to express yourself and your idea and your thought.”

As a person of deep faith, Rep. Crane said he saw how the storytelling had elements of divinity and faith. “It was fascinating to watch them weave [those elements], and how important faith is as part of their culture.”

He noted “how hard these these individuals have worked to perform and make sure that they’re, they’re doing it with excellence, and energy and excitement and enthusiasm. And they’re just bringing that to life on the stage today. Absolutely amazing.”

Although this was Rep. Crane’s first time to see Shen Yun, Mrs. Crane and Riley saw a performance the year before. The family outing was a Christmas surprise from Mrs. Crane.

“So we are enjoying the show,” Rep. Crane said. “It’s been great.”

State Representative Brent Crane attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts in Boise, Idaho on Feb. 18, 2023. (NTD)
State Representative Brent Crane attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts in Boise, Idaho on Feb. 18, 2023. NTD
He enthusiastically recommended that others see the Shen Yun for themselves.
“Absolutely. For the people of Idaho, I think it’s important to come out and see exactly what the Chinese culture is about,” he said. “There’s a lot of different perceptions with regards to the Chinese culture in the United States of America, because the international tension that exists between the two countries, and so it’s nice to come out and see individuals putting on a show like this, where we can see what their culture is like.”

Both he and Mrs. Crane are proponents of the arts. “We both like the arts. But I think that you’re able to communicate a message through art, and that’s what’s being done today.”

Mrs. Crane thanked Shen Yun for the performance.

“It just brings your whole soul to life and our family enjoyed it so very much. I told my husband and my son, ‘You must come back with us, it’s so wonderful,’” she said.

“So we came back as a family and we absolutely enjoyed it. And we would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to come, and it’s so uplifting and you leave just appreciating beauty and culture, and so we say, thank you so much.”

Reporting by Lily Yu, NTD and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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