Shen Yun Artists Inspire Taiwanese Agriculture Executive to Consider His Mission

Shen Yun Artists Inspire Taiwanese Agriculture Executive to Consider His Mission
Mr. Yu Chih-jung, a trustee of the Taiwan Banana Research Institute and the chairman of the Yilung Agricultural Company, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Chih-The Hall of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on March 2, 2023. Lung Fang/The Epoch Times

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan—The chairman of Taiwan’s largest banana producing and trading company said Shen Yun Performing Arts awoke his wisdom and the beauty of the performance moved his heart.

“I was very touched by two things. The first is the three-dimensional stage. The second is Shen Yun presents our traditional Chinese culture. The traditional culture woke us up. We then realized many virtues and values that we should cherish,” said Mr. Yu Chih-jung, after attending Shen Yun at the Chih-The Hall of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center on March 2.

Mr. Yu is a trustee of the Taiwan Banana Research Institute and the chairman of the Yilung Agricultural Company. Yilung is one of the main banana suppliers in Taiwan and sells 5,000 metric tons of bananas every year, 20 percent of which are exported to Japan, comprising a third of the market share.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company, and has a mission to show the beauty and goodness of “China before communism.”

Mr. Yu said he was recommended Shen Yun by someone who told him it was the best performance in the world. Now, having experienced it himself, he approved the words he heard. He felt Shen Yun dancers and musicians were inspiring.

“I can feel that the artists work very hard and take performing very seriously. Their diligence encouraged me to think a lot,” he said.

“Chinese culture has very deep values. But our modern people are too busy to think about them,” he said. “Shen Yun woke up the wisdom that we had when we were born but lost in this fast-paced society.”

Mr. Yu said he isn’t religious, but he knows people should look inward to improve themselves.

“From Shen Yun, I felt that human beings have missions in this world … It encourages us to think about why we live and what we should live for.”

For 5,000 years China’s civilization was built on values and virtues from the spiritual teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, virtues like loyalty, propriety, wisdom, justice, and benevolence—values that are universal and shared the world over.
Mr. Yu believes in the karmic relationship, which means doing good deeds will lead to receiving blessings in the future.

“I felt the energy of Shen Yun is very good. I believe we audiences must be kind people, because only a person who wants to be just and positive could get the chance to attend Shen Yun,” he said.

‘It Encourages Us’

“Our society needs the spirit of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance,” said Mr. Hung Chao-ming, the president of E-Da Cancer Hospital. He said he saw these three words in Shen Yun programs and really loved them.

“Shen Yun dancers are very professional and work very hard on many things,” he said. “This was reflected in the perfect synchronization and many other aspects.”

Mr. Hung was impressed at the level of detail, including in the design of the dynamic backdrop, the live orchestra, and the cooperation among the backdrop, orchestra, and dancers.

“They are all super. They coordinate seamlessly,” he said. “Shen Yun brings positive values to society. It encourages us to do things according to truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.”

Each Shen Yun performance consists of nearly 20 vignettes, presented through highly-expressive art forms such as classical Chinese dance, original orchestral music performed live, soloists who sing in the bel canto tradition, animated digital backdrops, and more.
Mr. Hung Chao-ming, the president of E-Da Cancer Hospital, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Chih-The Hall of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on Mar. 2, 2023. (Liao Feng-lin/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Hung Chao-ming, the president of E-Da Cancer Hospital, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Chih-The Hall of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on Mar. 2, 2023. Liao Feng-lin/The Epoch Times

Mr. Chan Chih-chun, a doctor at Fooyin University Hospital, said he found hope and compassion in Shen Yun and bathed in the glory of humanity during the performance.

“I was very, very amazed by the fantastic coordination between the classical Chinese dance and the live orchestra which has both Eastern and Western instruments,” he said. “The programs on stage, the light, and the sound … all are excellent and magnificent!”

Mr. Chan said that he couldn’t see the musicians from his seat but he could feel “the fabulous music perfectly match the dances.”

“I didn’t expect to receive this tremendous shock to my eyes and ears,” he said. “Compared with all the shows I have attended in my life, this is the best! The 3-D backdrop is astounding!”

Mr. Chan said he saw dancers dancing on the stage, but suddenly they jumped into the backdrop. Sometimes, the figures in the backdrop landed on the stage, which surprised him.

“Shen Yun is very entertaining. It has brilliant dances and an amazing backdrop. It doesn’t educate or promote anything, but you obtain very rich positive mindsets and values,” he said. “I really suggest everybody to attend Shen Yun. It has new production every year.”

Mr. Chan Chih-chun, a doctor at Fooyin University Hospital, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Chih-The Hall of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on Mar. 2, 2023. (Li Ching-tai/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Chan Chih-chun, a doctor at Fooyin University Hospital, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Chih-The Hall of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on Mar. 2, 2023. Li Ching-tai/The Epoch Times
Reporting by Epoch Times Staff in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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