Shen Yun Artists Display ‘Incredible Accuracy’ in Sacramento

Shen Yun Artists Display ‘Incredible Accuracy’ in Sacramento
Steven Thompson and his wife at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, on March 15, 2022. David Lam/The Epoch Times
SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Every pianist knows how important accuracy is in the arts. With Shen Yun Performing Arts, the accuracy of the dancers impressed Steven Thompson, a classical pianist.

“I can say that the incredible accuracy, every hand position, every arm position was so accurate among all of them. I don’t even know how they could do that,” said Mr. Thompson.

“Very emotional, and extremely accurate. I feel like modern ballet, European style ballet could learn a lot from them,” he added.

Shen Yun is based in New York, and although they are known for their synchronicity and technical mastery, the spiritual side of the performance has also touched many.

“You’ve really felt that compassion. And the feeling that came out, it really was kind of hard to keep it together, but I did. It was really amazing,” Mr. Thompson said.

He also shared that seeing Shen Yun has helped him to come through a rough patch in life.
This has really helped—picked me up. I really needed to see this show.
Steven Thompson

“This has really helped—picked me up. I really needed to see this show. Including just my music in general, I think it’s going to very inspire a lot of creativity in me,” Mr. Thompson said.

The digital backdrop of Shen Yun is the company’s own patented technology. The backdrop is an endless extension of the stage and it gives the dancers the ability to take audiences on journeys to other worlds.
“The projection was fantastic and the way they would jump in and out of that reality, I have no idea how you could plan that—less than a second off would ruin it. Actually, it was really really good picture quality. Very great projectors they must have to do that,” he said.

Shen Yun, ‘Very moving, motivating, and inspiring’

Terry Harrison at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, on March 15, 2022.  (Yawen Hung/The Epoch Times)
Terry Harrison at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, on March 15, 2022.  Yawen Hung/The Epoch Times

Terry Harrison, a general contractor, was also in the audience on March 15. He was impressed with the skill of the dancers and their composure on stage.

“I love the fluidity of the dancing. I love even the countenance of the performers, the looks on their faces, the smiles,“ said Mr. Harrison. ”It was very touching to me. It was just a thousand different things that made it wonderful.”

The pandemic had been a barrier for many. People have been reluctant to come out to experience everything that life has to offer.

“I think anyone who took themselves out of their comfort zone and came to watch it and be with a crowd of people would leave absolutely having loved it and having felt so glad that they did that. I think it’s very uplifting, very moving, motivating, and inspiring,” said Mr. Harrison.

Shen Yun is focused on showcasing China before communism. Mr. Harrison knows someone who personally felt the effects of communism in their life.

“We just met someone just a couple of weeks ago—who was a lawyer in China and, and professed to have faith in God. And because of that, they took her everything. Took her house, her finances, her passport,” shared Mr. Harrison. “As I was watching [the performance,] what touched me about it was I saw what she went through. All that stuff was true, everything that they were saying and what they were enacting.”

He also expressed his appreciation for Shen Yun putting on such a production for the world to see.

“I think it was a production that was well put together and that has a lot of meaning. I just so very much appreciate your company putting it on,” he said.

Reporting by David Lam, Yawen Hung and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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