Shen Yun a Surprise Birthday Gift: ‘I’ve Never Seen Something so Beautiful’


Jean-Michel Delalieux surprised his wife, Monique, for her birthday with tickets to see Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Concertgebouw in Bruges on May 2.

“It’s really enchanting ... the dance, the colours, the music, and then the enthusiasm. It’s beauty in its purest form and it really does us well,” said Jean-Michel Delalieux, a former production manager at Danone, Cadbury, and Cémoi. “That’s it, it’s difficult to say anything else. One feels that the scene, and those who conceived the show, well, they’re mankind’s welldoers.”

Wife Monique said, “It’s a very beautiful birthday!”

“I share his enthusiasm. I think I’ve never seen something so beautiful, so touching. It’s really extraordinary.”

According to its website, Shen Yun’s trademarks are classical Chinese dance, a unique orchestra combining traditional Western and Eastern instruments, and the animated backdrops, which take audiences to different dynasties and vistas, on heaven and earth.

What was most impressive to Monique was the classical Chinese dancing, and the connotation behind the mini-drama pieces.

“The beauty and the emotion it evokes ...” said Monique, “We’re stunned. We’re very touched by this show.”

“It’s very important to discover there are things that are completely universal. And to have a vision of Chinese culture ... this is really something new for us, and it’s with great joy that we discover this aspect," Jean-Michel added.

“Particularly, these thousands of years old things are not well known at all in Europe. We are very grateful to discover these aspects—the values of beauty and aesthetics that are completely universal, and which don’t exist at home. Therefore, it’s a great blessing to discover and share these with you.”

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