PARIS—On Saturday, Feb. 18, the Palais des Congrès was buzzing with excitement: a full house was awaiting Shen Yun, and 3,500 spectators were going to discover the brand new program of the 5,000 years of divinely inspired traditional Chinese culture.
Albert Cohen, a doctor, found the production “exceptional, really exceptional!”
“The dances harmonious physical prowess! It’s really a very, very beautiful show, I recommend it,” Mr. Cohen said.
“This somewhat spiritual sensitivity is very interesting,” he said. “Interesting to discover and to see.”
Valérie Ogerau is an airline scheduler for a large national airline company, planning and prioritizing aeronautical maintenance interventions. Having practiced western Classical dance, the young woman was able to appreciate the talented dancers.

As a believer herself, Ms. Ogerau could feel, “especially in the stage settings,” but also in the lyrics of the songs, “a lot of this spirituality and the will to share it.”
“It touches the Divine ... I feel it comes out very strong in this show,” she said.

Olivier Brun was a director of human resources at Veolia and is now retired.
“It’s superb,” he said. “A wonderful show, very colorful ... extremely well done. Very well trained dancers, and the spins and jumps—really extraordinary things which delight us!”
“People aimed at the harmony between Heaven, Earth, and humankind, praised the divine, and respected the principles of nature,” reads the Shen Yun program.
“I am very touched by what is said, because I also believe in all these values presented to us,” Mr. Brun said, adding that “kindness, truth, and patience, these are three fundamental principles of China ... but of the whole world as well.”