Sebastian Gorka at Washington Rally: ‘This Is a Political and Moral Battle’

NTD Television

WASHINGTON—Sebastian Gorka, former deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, says this election will likely be decided in Congress, not the courts.

Gorka was disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision to reject the case Texas filed against four other states over the unconstitutional way the election was run.
“But I said from the beginning, I told the president four weeks ago, the legal argument is only a minor part of this battle. This is a political and moral battle. He can still win,” Gorka said at one of the multiple rallies that took place in Washington on Dec. 12, 2020, the day after the Supreme Court rejected the Texas case. “The state Houses choose the electoral slates, they must not endorse this election, they must not send those votes to DC, and then the lower House of Representatives can elect the President of the United States.”

Thousands gathered to join marches and rallies in Washington on Dec. 12, petitioning the government for fair elections and transparent counting. Similar grassroots protests took place every Saturday since the general election in capitals across the 50 states.

In Congress, with a one vote per state contingent election, Trump should have the majority, Gorka said.

“But it depends upon the will of the American people to send that message, that a fraudulent election cannot be certified, and it depends upon the Republican establishment having a spine,” he said.

The mass media has become propaganda “worse than Pravda” Gorka said, because under the Soviet regime you went to prison if you didn’t report what the state directed, but left-leaning media today cover the truth willingly.

Gorka knows exactly what communism is because his father was persecuted by a communist regime. The leftist policies and activities taking place in the public sphere is communism in the United States, he explained, and this is why so many Americans at similar rallies say this election is a battle between good versus evil, of American values versus socialism and communism.

“What we see here, it isn’t a question, we know it,” Gorka said.

He had some advice for Americans:  “Have courage. Commit to the truth. Let your voice be heard. Tell your representatives that if they collude and conspire in election fraud they will have political consequences.”

“I’ve realized in the last six months in America, forget policies like getting rid of college debt or the Green New Deal, it’s all irrelevant. The only thing that matters is courage, courage, courage,” he said.

This video is part of our special series ’What Voters Say.' To watch more videos click here.