Humans may have been able to capture and observe the birth of a black hole or a neutron star in real time for the very first time, astronomers said at a recent national astronomical meeting in Seattle, referring to an extremely bright flash in space first spotted in 2018 that has since become one of the most baffling and most studied cosmic events in history.
The cosmic flare was peculiarly 10 to 100 times brighter than a regular supernova or exploding star—at its most brilliant, it would equate to some 100 billion times the luminosity of our Sun. The cosmic flare also vanished within 16 days—much faster than other supernovae.
The extreme flash was dubbed AT2018cow, or now widely referred to as “the Cow.” It was traced to a galaxy 200 million light-years from Earth called CGCG 137-068, in the constellation of Hercules. Since then, more than 100 astronomers have been observing the event using telescopes around the world, as well as in the sky.
Black Hole Birth Observed In Real Time?
Researchers from various groups gathered at the 233rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle on Jan. 10, to present and discuss the latest data they’d been collecting.At first, the cosmic flash looked to her like a black hole ripping up a white dwarf star.
“But based on what we saw in other wavelengths, we think this was a special case and that we may have observed—for the first time—the creation of a compact body in real time.”
By “compact,” Margutti refers to a dense body such as a neutron star or even a black hole.
Quick and Powerful
Astronomer Daniel Perley from Liverpool John Moores University in the U.K. said that due to the Cow being extremely luminous as well as forming and disappearing quickly makes it so unique “that existing supernova models can’t properly explain it.”“It must be a new type of extremely energetic, explosive event,” he said.
A ‘Central Engine’?
As the Cow’s luminosity dwindled, Perley’s team observed irregularities in the optical data rather than a steady decline in brightness that would be typically observed for declining supernovae. Perley said the findings hint at another source of power, like a “central engine” that is propelling the expanding debris with energy.“This is the first time any transient has been seen to increase in brightness in millimeter waves,” said Ho. “Normally by the time explosions are observed with a millimeter telescope, they are already fading in brightness.”
Radio astronomy expert Tara Murphy, who oversaw Dobie’s research, said their findings pointed to a similar conclusion.
“The fact it was getting brighter with time and particularly in higher frequencies shows there must be something that was still powering the explosion pumping energy into this material,” Murphy told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
She added that the radio data suggests that the unique Cow explosion was being continuously energized by either a black hole or a magnetar at its core.
“It wasn’t just this explosion that happened and then was fading away, there must be something that was still there that makes it different from the typical supernova we see.”