San Luis Obispo County Supervisors Praise Shen Yun

San Luis Obispo County Supervisors Praise Shen Yun
Debbie Arnold (L) and John Peschong (R) at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Performing Arts Center San Luis Obispo on March 25, 2023. (Michael Ye/The Epoch Times)

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.—Debbie Arnold is a county supervisor in San Luis Obispo. She shared her thoughts after seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts.

“I have to say, it’s just an amazing show. I love the music. I love the dancing. I’ve never seen anything like it,” shared Ms. Arnold.
Since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006, it has grown from one to eight companies. Each company tours around the world simultaneously so that more people can enjoy Shen Yun.
I think that you’re showing that it can be very successful. It’s gaining popularity and bringing awareness to people all over the world,” said Ms. Arnold.
Shen Yun shares traditional Chinese values, yet these values cannot be seen in China.
I just hope that time changes things and that these kinds of performances will be able to be shown in China or be done in China,” said Ms. Arnold.
“Those values are so important. And to be able to be reminded and appreciate them in this art form is just is really wonderful,” she added.
With over a decade of putting on a new production every year, Shen Yun has also evolved to be better and better.
The colors in the costumes all blended. It’s my second time to see the show, actually, and it just gets better. So it’s really beautiful,” she said.
Supervisor John Peschong of San Luis Obispo County was also in the audience.
I love the show. It’s brilliant. It was really put together nicely. It’s got good pace. The colors are unbelievable and I have actually been to China and I would have loved to have seen those dances performed in China. But you obviously can’t due to the communist regime,” said Mr. Peschong.
Shen Yun’s artists are trained in classical Chinese dance. This dance form has thousands of years of history.
I’ve never seen anything like it before. It’s incredible. The fact that it’s thousands of years old and a lot of the moves that I’ve seen in modern dancers come from this, from this type of dancing, this Chinese dancing,” said Mr. Peschong.
Shen Yun shares values like truth, compassion, and tolerance with its audience. It also shares traditional Chinese values such as loyalty and filial piety.
They have to be in today’s age when we have a lot of problems and we have a lot of negativity in the world,” said Mr. Peschong.
I think it’s really interesting. I see tonight a lot of young people here. And I think the fact that they’re seeing this and hearing these messages is good for our community. It’s good for the future of our country and the future of the world,” he added.
In order for Shen Yun to successfully take the stage, a large team works diligently to put together every piece of the puzzle. They are working hard to give hope to their audience.

“The message that I see is that a message of hope and courage and unity and the way people come together to be able to perform,” said Mr. Peschong,

With Shen Yun’s eight companies, every city that Shen Yun goes to will be brushed with a field of positive energy.

“I think it’s growing. The message is growing, and I think that’s good to be able to to preach that message to the communities that you go to and visit. I think brings people together. And I do think it helps. I think it helps change what I see as kind of the negative energy of the world right now,” shared Mr. Peschong.

Shen Yun’s singers are trained in the bel canto technique and Shen Yun’s digital backdrop allows audiences of every nationality to be able to follow along with the text being sung.

“He has an incredible voice and an incredible range. He did a really brilliant job. And the pianists that accompanied him did a great job, too,” shared Mr. Peschong.

Reporting by NTD and Maria Han.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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