The Biden administration and Democrats in Congress have been weaponizing the federal government against their political adversaries since January 2021. Perhaps they seek to turn the U.S. federal bureaucracy into the mirror image of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Beijing that controls every aspect of Chinese society—and one that brooks no political dissent from the Democratic Party line just as the CCP tolerates no dissent.
- The continuing J6 star chamber that provides the political cover for the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to hold Jan. 6 protesters in solitary confinement for months while awaiting their trials (never mind the failure of the FBI and DOJ to prosecute violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters throughout 2020).
- The military standdown imposed in February 2021 by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to supposedly root out “extremism in the ranks” (a statistically irrelevant problem exploited for expressly political purposes).
- In June 2021, Biden signed an executive order “to advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in the Federal workforce” (never mind that DEIA is really just a euphemism for the divisive Marxist critical race theory that targets white Americans).
- In April 2022, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of a “Disinformation Governance Board” to supposedly counteract “disinformation aimed at the US population and infrastructure” (never mind the First Amendment that protects political speech).
- The June 2022 executive order directed “federal health and education agencies to expand access to gender-affirming care and advance LGBTQ-inclusive learning environments at American schools” (never mind that the U.S. Constitution is silent on such matters, the responsibility for which is delegated by the 10th Amendment to the states).
- The signing in August of the grossly misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act,” which includes around $46 billion for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and provisions to hire 87,000 new IRS agents (since there aren’t that many billionaires, whom will those agents be targeting?).
- The unprecedented FBI raid of the home of former President Donald Trump on Aug. 8 and subsequent raids and subpoenas on dozens of Trump’s former staff and advisers (a continuation of five-plus years of political hit-jobs by Democrats to “get Trump”).

The whole notion of “sustainability” is a Marxist euphemism used by enviro-socialists that purports to examine federal and state policies that are balanced across concerns for the environment, equity, and the economy. In short, they seek to control the U.S. economy through prioritizations associated with arbitrary environmental and equity considerations.
The word “equity” is the kicker. Cultural Marxists and left-wing political activists are using “equity” as a wedge to disrupt and replace American cultural traditions of merit and self-worth with identity politics as the top priority for hiring, firing, and organizing America’s institutions, industries, and governments at all levels. Science and merit be damned; it all becomes a numbers game based on the demographic makeup of society, including the new categories of the “disenfranchised” comprising the LGBTQI diaspora. Everyone gets their piece of the pie regardless of merit or whether or not earned.

Who decides what is important regarding “sustainability” policies and their impact on career advancement within the federal bureaucracy? In the Democrats’ minds, that would be nameless, faceless bureaucrats, all of whom were handpicked and promoted because of their left-wing beliefs in “sustainability” doctrine—a self-priming pump for Democrat Party apparatchiks. This is eerily similar to how the CCP controls the Chinese regime bureaucracy; unless one is a CCP member-in-good-standing and subscribes to CCP policies and ideology, a person has no viable opportunity or career in politics.
For this is the result of the weaponization of U.S. federal agencies: an undermining of the Constitution through the rise of the administrative state, the politicization of that administrative state in service of the party of government (Democrats), and the quashing of the personal and economic freedoms of political dissenters. In this case, the vehicle to help achieve these results is the sacrifice of America’s energy security on the altar of the false promise of green energy sustainability.
Are you ready for Democrat-induced brownouts in your state?