Roy and HG to Cover the Games

Fans of the Sydney Olympics comic show The Dream, with comic duo Roy and HG, were bereft when it was announced Channel Seven, the Australian Olympic broadcaster would not be including the show as part of its official coverage .
Roy and HG to Cover the Games
Famous comedians Roy and HG, are to make a come-back in Beijing. Mark Dadswell/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="Famous comedians Roy and HG, are to make a come-back in Beijing. (Mark Dadswell/Getty Images)" title="Famous comedians Roy and HG, are to make a come-back in Beijing. (Mark Dadswell/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1834542"/></a>
Famous comedians Roy and HG, are to make a come-back in Beijing. (Mark Dadswell/Getty Images)
Fans of the Sydney Olympics comic show The Dream, with comic duo Roy and HG, were bereft when it was announced Channel Seven, the Australian Olympic broadcaster would not be including the show as part of its official coverage .

All is not lost however as the two will be bringing their distinctive appraisal of Olympic sport and surrounding issues via ABC’s Triple J radio.

Listeners will be able to tune into daily Olympic highlights on “The Golden Ring” brought to you from the “Mongolian Club in the Forbidden City”.

Newly named Crouching Tiger Rampaging Roy Slaven and Hidden Dragon H.G. Nelson will host the show.

Channel Seven claimed it was time zones that was the decider in backing away from the late night show but H.G. ( Greg Pickhaver) told Fairfax media he believed there was more to it.

“The main reason Seven didn’t send us was jail,” he said. “That was uppermost in their minds and I thank Boxhead Leckie [David Leckie CEO of Seven] enormously because we would have been over there and never seen again”.

Roy (John Doyle) said there will be plenty to report on, regardless of what happens in the sporting arena. “It’s a weird Games where the emphasis isn’t on sport at all. It’s on air quality, traffic, security, algae. I want to look at the Games through Tibetan eyes and hopefully we’ll catch up with the [Falun] Gong, but I’m also keen to find out if Starbucks is still there.”

The Golden Ring debuts on August 10 from 2pm – 5pm, and will then continue weekdays from 4:30 on Triple J for the entire games.

Podcasts of the show will also be available from Roy & HG’s This Sporting Life podcast, via the Triple J Website.
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