Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Biopharmaceutical Industrial Complex

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Biopharmaceutical Industrial Complex
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of the nonprofit Children's Health Defense, in Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 6, 2023. (York Du/The Epoch Times)
Jan Jekielek
Jeff Minick

“You have scientists who are supposed to be regulators, who are making money on the product they’re supposed to be regulating," says Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the founder and chief legal counsel of Children’s Health Defense and the author of “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

In a recent two-part episode of “American Thought Leaders,” host Jan Jekielek sat down with Kennedy to discuss subjects ranging from his fierce criticism of the vaccine approval process to the weaponization of some government agencies against the American people.

In the interviews, Kennedy reveals the failures of health agencies to properly test vaccines, attacks the financial web connecting these agencies and pharmaceutical companies, and examines the intrusions of our intelligence agencies into domestic affairs.

Jan Jekielek: “The Real Anthony Fauci” is a remarkable book and about much more than Dr. Anthony Fauci, but about the whole development of the biopharmaceutical industrial complex and what you call a global war on democracy and public health. Tell me about the genesis of this book.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: I spent almost 40 years as an environmental advocate, and I had seen and written extensively and litigated on this issue of agency capture, which is a conspiracy of mechanisms by which regulatory agencies become captured by the industries they’re supposed to regulate.

Instead of protecting public health or the environment, they become sock puppets for the industry they’re supposed to regulate. When I began litigating and advocating on the vaccine issue in 2005, I was dumbstruck not only by the level of agency captures within the public health agencies, but by the financial entanglements.

For example, the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] receives 75 percent of its drug approval budget from the pharmaceutical industry. Almost 45 percent of its total budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry. Not only NIH [National Institutes of Health] as an agency, but individual scientists within NIH are allowed to patent drugs they work on and then turn them over to the pharmaceutical industry and collect royalties on them. Those scientists over the past decade or so have collected some $300 million in royalties.

You have scientists who are supposed to be regulators who are making money on the product they’re supposed to be regulating. The regulatory function of these agencies becomes subsumed by the mercantile ambitions of the pharmaceutical companies.

To give you another example, the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] has a $12 billion annual budget. Almost $5 billion of that goes to purchasing vaccines in secretive sweetheart deals with the big vaccine companies, and then compelling or persuading large numbers of people to take those vaccines, mainly children.

With the metrics at that agency, if you want a promotion or if you want a salary increase, you don’t get that by finding a problem with a vaccine. You get that by showing you’ve contributed to the expanded coverage of vaccine use. It’s a perverse incentive for a regulatory agency protecting public health because it makes them an arm of the industry.

Anthony Fauci is the embodiment of that institutional corruption. He’s lasted 50 years not because he’s done a good job at protecting public health; it’s because he’s done a good job at protecting industry profits.

When he came into office in 1968, about 6 percent of Americans had chronic disease. By chronic disease, I mean not only obesity, but neurological disease, allergic disease, and autoimmune disease. By 1986, 11.8 percent of American children had chronic disease. By 2006, that number had risen to 64 percent. That’s his track record. He claims he’s protecting Americans from infectious disease, but he rarely talks about chronic disease, which is much more devastating than infectious disease.

Meanwhile, the vaccines scheduled during that period went from the three vaccines that I took when I was a kid, and I was fully compliant, to 72 doses that are mandated today from 16 vaccines. The question is: Has that made Americans healthier?

In 2000, the CDC did a study with Johns Hopkins University. They looked at this question, “Did vaccines have anything to do with the momentous decline in mortalities from infectious diseases between 1900 and the present?”

The CDC study found that the vaccines had almost nothing to do with it. Instead of physicians and scientists being responsible for that reduction, it had been engineers. It was greater sanitation, the roads that brought food like oranges and citrus to northern cities, better nutrition, better sewage treatment plants, chlorination of water, and a number of other engineering advances that were really responsible for the decline in death from infectious disease.

Mr. Jekielek: What you’re describing stands in the face of what everybody is supposed to know. “Vaccines save 2 to 3 million lives a year” is what’s typically said.
Mr. Kennedy: There are a lot of claims about vaccines and how many lives they’ve saved, but there’s very little science to support that. Vaccines are exempt from pre-licensure safety testing. They’re not tested for safety against placebos in any kind of functioning trial prior to being approved because vaccines are regulated differently than other medicines.

This has to do with the CDC’s legacy as a public health service. The Public Health Service, the predecessor of the CDC, launched the vaccine program as a national security defense against biological attacks on our country. They wanted to make sure if the Russians attacked America with some biological or pathogenic weapon that we could quickly formulate and deploy a vaccine to 200 million Americans without regulatory impediments. But calling it a medicine would have meant placebo-controlled trials, which take five years.

Why five years? Because many of the injuries that come from vaccines, like all medicines, are long-term injuries. You may say that the vaccine prevented the infection, but you don’t count the cancers, the neurological disorders, the ADHD, and the autoimmune diseases that pop up five years later. You need long-term studies.

But there was an urgency to deploying vaccines, so they said, “We’ll call it a biologic, and we’ll make biologics exempt from long-term safety studies.” None of the 72 doses of vaccines currently mandated for children have ever been tested in a pre-licensing safety study against a true placebo.

Here’s an example of what I worry about. For many years, Bill Gates and the WHO [World Health Organization] have pushed children to receive the DTP [diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis] vaccine. It’s the most popular vaccine in the world because of their efforts.

We withdrew that vaccine in the 1980s in this country because it was killing so many children and causing brain damage, according to an NIH study done by UCLA. We replaced it with a DTaP vaccine, which is safer but less effective. They did the same thing in Europe.

Meanwhile, Gates and the WHO were giving it to African and Asian children. In 2016, they asked the Danish government for funding, though Denmark wasn’t using this vaccine. The government wanted to see a study showing the vaccine actually saved lives. Bill Gates was unable to provide that.

Then, the Danish government said, “We’re going to do this study.” They went to Western Africa, where they have very good clinics and 30 years of vaccination records. They brought in the best scientists in the field and did a study of the records.

They found that girls who had received that vaccine were 10 times more likely to die than unvaccinated children. They were not dying of things that anybody had ever associated with the vaccine, but of anemia, bilharzia, malaria, dysentery, and pulmonary respiratory issues like pneumonia. It was not until these Danish scientists looked at the data over 30 years that they realized, “Holy cow, this vaccine is killing more people than diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis did prior to the introduction of the vaccine.”

That’s the danger. You could have a vaccine for 30 or 40 years and nobody actually notices that the kids who are taking it are worse off from a health perspective, because you’ve never done the placebo-controlled trials.

Mr. Jekielek: It strains credulity that such an obvious type of test wouldn’t be done. There is safety information on every vaccine in the insert.
Mr. Kennedy: If you look at a vaccine insert, for example, for the MMR [measles, mumps, rubella] vaccine, it probably has 60 or 70 injuries listed. At one point, because of a lawsuit, I actually had to go through all of the vaccine inserts for the mandatory vaccines now being given to children between birth and 18 years old. There were 420 listed side effects, including death, paralysis, and brain damage. Even autism is listed now. That’s the one place where they tell the truth, the vaccine companies.

Doctors are told that these are miracle technologies. They’ve saved millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of lives, but there’s no science supporting that. On the other hand, a lot of science supports the supposition that most of these vaccines, not all of them, but most of them, are causing more injuries and deaths than they are averting.

Mr. Jekielek: Going back to your uncle’s assassination in the 1960s, we’ve heard that U.S. agencies may have been involved way back then. Now there are people asking, “Do we even live in a democracy today?” “The Global War on Democracy” is the subtitle of your book. Did something change at that time that we weren’t aware of?
Mr. Kennedy: Yes, I think something did change back then. When I was 7 years old, on January 17, 1961, my birthday, President Eisenhower made what I look at today as the most important speech in American history. It was his farewell speech to the nation.

Three days later, my uncle John Kennedy would take the oath of office, but Eisenhower gave this wonderful speech in which he warned America against the emergence of a military-industrial complex, a permanent war industry, and an associated federal science technocracy, which he specifically mentioned, that, if not constrained, would dominate American democracy and rob us of all the things that are important about our country.

My uncle realized that Eisenhower had captured the most important issue of our time. He spent the next three years of his presidency in combat with his own military-industrial complex.

Years later, when the Cold War ended in 1992, we were supposed to get a peace dividend. We were supposed to beat our swords into plow shares and put that money into projects like schools, roads, and the environment, and into rebuilding the gutted middle class in this country. In the next year, we had the first World Trade Center attack, and then in 2001 came 9/11. By the end of that decade, we had 888 military bases abroad. That’s an imperial nation.

I would say the most recent blow in this coup d’état against democracy by the military-medical-industrial complex and the biosecurity agenda was COVID-19, when the government began censoring speech. Those in charge of government and its agencies successfully asserted power to suppress dissent. They closed the churches for a year with no scientific citation and no regulatory process. There were no hearings, no rationale that anybody could see or challenge in any way. They got rid of freedom of assembly, which is also in the First Amendment, by the social distancing dictates. They went after property rights for the Fifth Amendment, shutting down 3.3 million businesses with no due process and no just compensation, in total violation of the Constitution.

One of the big worries of the people who made the Constitution is that demagogues and tyrants would be able to persuade an uneducated public to relinquish their rights. We were the first country with mandatory public education. They understood that an uneducated public could easily be manipulated through propaganda.

Today, unfortunately, the mechanisms by which people are being educated are social media and the legacy media. As we saw in the pandemic, social media is influenced by the intelligence agencies, the government, and the regulatory agencies orchestrating this coup d’état against democracy.

Mr. Jekielek: You said the educated are supposed to be able to notice the demagoguery and the propaganda, but it was actually the truckers, ostensibly the less educated, who saw through this.
Mr. Kennedy: That’s a good point. It was shocking to me that the most educated people, the people who had been the most tenacious in their defense of the Bill of Rights from the McCarthy era through the Iraq war, suddenly became disabled by this incredibly skilled propaganda push.

How do you impose centralized control on an indigenous population of a foreign country? First of all, you disable institutions by using propaganda to sow fear by polarization, deliberate polarization of the population by sowing the country with chaos agents, and all these techniques for creating chaos in developing countries so that you can come in. The CIA was involved in coup d’états or attempted coup d’états between 1947 and 1997 against a third of the nations on Earth.

Around 2016, with the election of Trump and with Brexit, it seems that the intelligence agencies made a decision to turn all of those weapons onto the American people. We saw this extraordinary propaganda campaign at the beginning of the pandemic. “The CIA wouldn’t do that to America,” some people may say. “It’s illegal to propagandize in America.” Not anymore it isn’t.

During the Obama administration, essentially the old law that had forbidden this was overridden. It was also overridden in the Patriot Act in 2001 during the Bush administration. The CIA gained increasing powers. They propagandize and use these techniques on Americans.

By the way, in the Fauci book, I talk about Event 201, which was a pandemic simulation that took place in October 2019 in New York. It was sponsored by Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and the Chinese CDC. The social media companies were there and the pharmaceutical companies were there. The big corporate PR firms were there.

Mr. Jekielek: And the current DNI [director of national intelligence] was there.
Mr. Kennedy: Yes, the current DNI, Avril Haines, was there. At that time, she was the former deputy director of the CIA, and there she is at this simulation. So what’s the CIA doing at a pandemic simulation? They’re not a public health agency. Anyway, Event 201 simulated a global coronavirus pandemic that killed 60 million people, a lot more than the actual one, which we learned about two months later, although the virus was already circulating in October 2019.

We didn’t know about Event 201 until January 8, 2020. What are they talking about at that event? They’re not talking about public health. They’re not talking about how we get vitamin D to everybody to build their immune systems or how we quarantine the sick while protecting constitutional rights.

No, they’re talking about using this pandemic as a pretext for clamping down with totalitarian controls. The first thing they said is, “We have to limit free speech. We can’t allow people to criticize government policies, and particularly, we can’t allow people to talk about a lab leak.” They’re doing this in October 2019, before any of us had ever heard of Wuhan.

George Gao, who’s the Chinese CDC director, must have known at that point that this virus is already circulating, because he is the Chinese expert on coronavirus. He had to know it’s circulating in Wuhan, and in October, he’s with the CIA former deputy director talking about how we quiet people when they start talking about a lab leak. And she says, “Not only do we need to censor them, but we need to flood the zone with authoritative voices,” which means propaganda.

“Put on the mask, do what you’re told, obey.” That fear has the capacity to disable critical thinking. That’s why it’s the tool of tyrants and they weaponized it.

Mr. Jekielek: Where do we go from here?
Mr. Kennedy: I wouldn’t be fighting if I didn’t think there was hope for restoring democracy and value to our country. I don’t know what form that will come in, but I know that my job is to fight for it. The way that will happen is if enough individuals take personal responsibility for making it happen. For me, I don’t make predictions and I try not to get invested in outcomes.

But I know I have to get up every day and fight for democracy and human dignity and rights, and all the things that my God wants me to fight for.

I was in the environmental movement as a leader for 40 years. If you’re an environmentalist, every victory is temporary, and every defeat is permanent. If you lose a species, it’s gone forever. If you pave over a piece of landscape, you never get it back.

A lot of environmentalists burn out because they feel defeated. Their souls get crushed, and they feel hopeless. I decided at the beginning of my career that I was not going to do that. I wasn’t going to get invested in results. If you don’t have expectations, you’ll never get disappointed. If they’re not capable of disappointing you, they can’t defeat you, and you become relentless. That’s what makes somebody like me dangerous. No matter what they do to me, I’m going to fight them again.

All of us have to have that attitude, because that is what is ultimately going to give us victory. If you know what you’re going to do, let go of the outcomes and you can never be beaten.

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
Jan Jekielek is a senior editor with The Epoch Times, host of the show “American Thought Leaders” and co-host of “FALLOUT” with Dr. Robert Malone and “Kash’s Corner” with Kash Patel. Jan’s career has spanned academia, international human rights work, and now for almost two decades, media. He has interviewed nearly a thousand thought leaders on camera, and specializes in long-form discussions challenging the grand narratives of our time. He’s also an award-winning documentary filmmaker, producing “The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told,” “DeSantis: Florida vs. Lockdowns,” and “Finding Manny.”
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