Rescued Dog Found Infested With Maggots, Case Under Investigation

Margaret Wollensak

The case of a severely emaciated dog who had been infested with maggots and recently rescued by a local California group is now under investigation by Los Angeles authorities.

Ollie the cocker spaniel was initially surrendered to a county shelter before being rescued by Leave No Paws Behind (LNPB) on March 8, LNPB says in a Facebook post. The California-based rescue immediately took Ollie, who was in poor condition, to get treated by a vet and contacted local law enforcement to investigate animal abuse allegations against the dog’s owners.

According to the Facebook post, LNPB says they'd been notified that Ollie’s case has been turned over to Los Angeles authorities for investigation.

In an update on March 12, LNPB says Ollie is doing well, eating, drinking, and gaining a little weight. This is in stark contrast to his condition when he first arrived at the rescue.

According to LNPB, Ollie was treated at The Pet Doctors of Sherman Oaks, where it was revealed that he was starving, had multiple infections, was missing his lower jaw, had broken and missing teeth, and had maggots in his chest area. His fur was matted and caked with feces and dried urine.

“When we shaved him, maggots were found crawling all through and over his chest and belly, and he had scalded urine stains,” LNPB said in a Facebook post.

When the LNPB asked how Ollie could have maggots when there was no open wound, they were told it was because of the dried feces and waste that Ollie had been caked in.

The dog’s blood test results also showed severe infection and malnutrition.

LNPB says they first became aware of Ollie’s situation from a Facebook post by Saving Carson Shelter Dogs that included a video of Ollie in poor condition.

Ollie’s records show that in September 2018,  he had an intake exam that listed severe dental disease, ear infections, and multiple cysts, but was then given an exit exam that same day. It is unknown what happened to him, but six months later, he was taken in by LNPB.

“The horrors Ollie has known over these last 6 months is heartbreaking; however, Ollie is now safe from all harm, love, and he knows his life matters,” LNPB said in a Facebook post.

While his June 2018 paperwork listed him as eight years old and his March 7, 2019 listed him as 15 years old, the LNPB said their vets estimate Ollie is between 10 to 12 years old.

On March 12, LNPB said that Ollie was doing well. Despite arriving at the rescue with “no voice, just whimpers and tears,” the LNBP says Ollie is now one of their sweetest dogs.

“He is so trusting, loves to give kisses and, even though is lower jaw is missing, it does not stop him from giving so many sloppy, wet kisses right back,” LNPB said.