Conference: ‘China: Forced Organ Harvesting and the Chinese Communist Party’

Epoch Video

China: Forced Organ Harvesting and the Chinese Communist Party, a conference held in Belgium, heard and discussed evidence of forced organ harvesting in China, under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party.

Expert testimony was presented by David Matas, a prominent Canadian human rights lawyer, and author of “Bloody Harvest,” the definitive work on this subject. He explained how particular minority groups are being targeted as victims in this trade—specifically practitioners of Falun Gong.

The conference was moderated by Nico Bijnens, president of Falun Gong Belgium.

Keynote speakers included:

Peter van Dalen MEP, member of the European Peoples’ Party and member of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights

Edward McMillan-Scott, former vice president of the European Parliament

Hamid Sabi, counsel to the China Tribunal, who presented the Tribunal’s final judgement

Also present:

Harold King, deputy director of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH)

Andy Vermaut, journalist and human rights advocate

KaYan Wong, spokesperson for Falun Gong in Holland

Manel Mselmi, blogger at Euroblog and a human rights activist

Prior to the event, Falun Gong practitioners extended an open invitation to a workshop activity at the entrance of Jubelpark (Parc du Cinquantenaire), Brussels, a few minutes walk from the Press Club.

Journalists and other interested parties wishing to interview participants were invited to contact Gary Cartwright: [email protected]