Rep. Mo Brooks: ‘What We Really Need Are Senators Who Will Sign the Dotted Line’

Rep. Mo Brooks: ‘What We Really Need Are Senators Who Will Sign the Dotted Line’
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) speaks during the DC March for Jobs in Upper Senate Park near Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on July 15, 2013. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Harry Lee
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs Monday evening that he needs senators to sign the objections to fight for election integrity in Wednesday’s Joint Session of Congress.

Brooks was the first congressman to say that he plans to challenge electoral votes when Congress counts them on Jan. 6.

One member of the House and one senator are required to lodge a challenge in writing. Brooks signed objections to the electoral vote in six contested states earlier Monday.

“Now, we’ve had about a dozen who are kind of going through the motions, a dozen senators, but what we really need are senators who will sign the dotted line and join our objections to Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada,” said Brooks.

Brooks pointed out that at least 30 House members will object to each of those six states. In some states, the number might be 40 or 50.

“On the House side, we’re very strong. I would anticipate that we will have over 100 United States congressmen who will support this effort on the House floor.”

“On the Senate side though, I’m a little bit disheartened. It appears that right now, we only have one senator, Josh Hawley, who’s agreed to co-sponsor one objection for one state, that being Pennsylvania,” Brooks continued.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) announced on Monday that she would object to Electoral College votes.

David Perdue, whose senate term just expired on Jan. 3, told Fox News that day that he might not be in Senate on Jan. 6 because it might take days to get the result of the Georgia run-off election. Otherwise, he would object as well.

Brooks also expressed some doubt about the Electoral Commission called for by 11 GOP senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

“The question now is, how do you get a vote on it? What process do you use between now and 1 p.m. eastern time on Wednesday to get a vote to create this kind of commission?”

Brooks went on to say that even if a commission is created, “there’s no way in the world” that a commission could do a complete and thorough investigation in 10 days.

“I’m very much concerned that we have far too many congressmen and senators who have yet to do their homework, who have yet to perceive that the evidence is overwhelming and compelling of voter fraud and election theft, and who are more apt to duck and run, cower in their foxhole, rather than do the right thing for our country.”

Brooks said that if the American people demand that their congress members stand up and fight for America, then “we'll win this vote” on Wednesday.

“But if we have Republicans who are afraid to fight, who are unwilling to do so, who are half-hearted in their measures, well then, of course, we’re gonna lose, and voter fraud is gonna win.”

“I’m gonna fight to protect the integrity of our election system. I hope others will join me,” Brooks stated.

Ivan Pentchoukov contributed to this report.