The rental crisis is getting worse for Australians on low incomes and welfare recipients, a new report has shown.
By analysing nearly 46,000 rental listings across Australia, the report found that less than one percent of the available accommodation was affordable for a person earning a full-time minimum wage–around $42,300 (US$28,000).
Anglicare Australia executive director Kasy Chambers said the results were shocking.
“This year’s result is the worst we have ever seen for a person on the minimum wage, with affordability halving over the last year.”
To evaluate the affordability of rental properties, Anglicare Australia used an international benchmark that indicated that rent should not exceed 30 percent of household income to avoid financial stress.
Under this benchmark, the charity found that a full-time minimum wage earner could only afford 0.8 percent of the rental properties, and those relying on age or disability pensions had to compete for less than 0.5 percent of the affordable rentals in the market.
In addition, there were no affordable rentals for students and apprentices on Youth Allowance, while the figure for a single parent on welfare payments was 0.1 percent.
The executive director said the rental market was failing low-income people despite a record number of homes being built over the last ten years.
The Greens Call for Rent Freeze
Following the release of Anglicare Australia’s report, the Greens party urged the Labor government to introduce a two-year rent freeze to tackle the rental crisis in the country.“A rent freeze is not just legally possible, it’s also politically possible. With the Greens’ support, the government could pass a serious plan for renters through the parliament by July.”

The Greens leader then called on the government to take decisive actions during a National Cabinet meeting on April 28 or risk “throwing renters across the country to the wolves of the private market.”
Labor Government Announces New Housing Measures
Meanwhile, the federal government has announced new measures to increase the housing supply after the National Cabinet meeting concluded.Specifically, it will raise the depreciation rate from 2.5 percent to four percent per year for eligible new build-to-rent projects which commence construction after the release of the federal budget on May 9.
Moreover, it will halve the withholding tax rate for eligible fund payments from managed investment trusts to foreign residents on income from newly constructed residential build-to-rent properties from 30 to 15 percent after July 1, 2024.
The government also plans to increase funding for social and community housing by expanding the liability cap of the Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator (AHBA) by $2 billion.
Property Council of Australia, a peak industry body, welcomed the government’s decision to lower the managed investment trust withholding tax rate.
Property Council CEO Mike Zorbas said that the earlier the changes introduced by the government took effect, the earlier additional investment could commence.