Recipe: Almond Butter Cookies

Recipe: Almond Butter Cookies

As an ALPHA, you are intelligent, healthy, and obligated to love, cherish and covet the beloved cookie. The ability to appreciate its simplistic beauty is simply a necessity (to go along with your equally necessary love of steak and cake).

Turn your attention to the following recipe. It proves once more that your taste buds are idiots; they will embrace a well-made cookie whether it’s made with white flour and refined sugar or if it’s made of almond flour and honey. My point being that your cookies don’t have to be dietary abominations to completely satisfy your sweet tooth. This recipe, like, well, practically all of my recipes, is here to redefine your idea of what’s “healthy”. 

My pro tip: Save a quarter of the recipe to eat as just the dough. Cookie dough is the steak of the dessert world. Everybody knows this to be true. And so I present, my very special almond butter cookies.

Your cookies don't have to be dietary abominations to completely satisfy your sweet tooth. (<a href="" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>)
Your cookies don't have to be dietary abominations to completely satisfy your sweet tooth. (Shutterstock)


  1. 2 cups almond flour (or 1 cup almond flour, 1 cup vanilla protein powder)
  2. ½ cup raw almond butter
  3. 2 organic cage free eggs
  4. ¼ cup honey (or Truvia for calorie free)
  5. 1 tsp baking soda
  6. 1 tsp vanilla
  7. 1 tsp salt
  8. 2 cups dark chocolate chips (Enjoy Life is dairy free and my favorite brand.)


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.
  2. Roll dough into small balls and smoosh lightly onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. Bake for 10-12 minutes in a 375 degree oven.
Wait for them to cool (<a href="" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>)
Wait for them to cool (Shutterstock)


Wait for them to cool I SAID WAIT FOR THEM TO COOL. Consume with abandon, recline, drink in the majesty of the world. (Or a glass of milk. Yeah, a glass of milk could work, too.)

This article was written by John Romaniello, NSCA-CPT, CSCS and originally published on

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