Did the advancement of the radical LGBTQI agenda happen by accident or by design?
In just a few short years, the American left and their political instruments in the Democratic Party have moved from the highly controversial issue of homosexual marriage to government support for transgender surgery, while the normalization of such affronts to God and Man as polyandry, polygamy, and pedophilia is no longer out of the question.
As if inflicting the subsequent social chaos and divisiveness on America wasn’t enough for Biden and his Marxists (after all, federal rules tend to flow down through American society over time), he proceeded to direct the U.S. government to export radical LGBTQI policies to the rest of the world, too.
Yes, yes, by two strokes of the pen, the president has set a precedent for substituting the verb “condone” for the verb “tolerate” while wiping out over 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian history, morals, and beliefs—that is, the moral and legal underpinnings of Western civilization.
Lowering the Age of Consent
The fringe group North American Man/Boy Love Association has been pushing to lower the age of consent for decades. But even respected people, like retired Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz, have also supported doing just that. One wonders why all of Jeffrey Epstein’s “clients” have been protected and shielded up to this point, too. It’s all about normalizing pedophilia.Polyandry
The slippery slope toward polyandry (the practice of a woman having more than one husband at a time) continues. On Oct. 8, the New York Post reported that a New York Civil Court judge “concluded that polyamorous relationships are entitled to the same sort of legal protection given to two-person relationships.”Also reported in the article: “The New York State Court of Appeals became the first American appellate court to recognize that a non-traditional, two-person, same-sex, committed family-like relationship is entitled to legal recognition.”
Gender-Affirming Surgery
The left has a penchant for covering up controversial practices with flowery labels (for example, “pro-choice” for the murder of infants comes immediately to mind), but this phrase is as diabolical as it is insane. These life-changing and irreversible practices—such as mastectomies, castrations, and hysterectomies—are being performed by ostensibly reputable medical institutions on minor children and adults in the United States.That is more flowery language that camouflages the reality of the medical procedures performed on people suffering from gender dysphoria in many of those clinics, including amputation, sterilization, and chemical and surgical castration.

Abuse of Puberty Blockers
The Mayo Clinic describes puberty blockers this way: “[Puberty blockers] suppress the body’s release of sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen, during puberty [to relieve the] intense distress for many gender-nonconforming adolescents.”Who Is on the LGBTQI Bandwagon?
Lots of people and institutions! The woke among us, for lack of a better description of the LGBTQI groupies.The Federal Government
The transgender Dr. “Rachel” Levine, an assistant secretary in the Department of Health and Human Services, has been spearheading the federal government’s LGBTQI outreach under Biden’s executive order, claiming without evidence in an interview with Reuters that “gender-affirming care for transgender youth is essential and can be life-saving.”Levine even told NPR that “there is no argument among medical professionals—pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, et cetera—about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.”
And, of course, the Biden administration dangles taxpayer dollars to push its agendas, and LGBTQI policies are no different. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spent $85 million on a grant program requiring public schools to implement student-led clubs supporting LGBT youth.
The ACLU Shows Its True Colors
At the forefront of undermining traditional values in the United States, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) recently filed a complaint with the Department of Education and Department of Justice against the Central Bucks School District in Pennsylvania, demanding that the district “better affirm and support its LGBTQ+ students, one example being to use the child’s preferred pronouns.”Perversion of Science
The crackpot opinion of the Boston Children’s Hospital psychologist on a child in the womb “knowing its gender” was already discussed above. Likewise, the Mayo Clinic’s use of the phrase “gender and sex assigned at birth” is unscientific nonsense. There are only two sexes clearly identified by X and Y chromosomes (before birth in many instances!).Furthermore, only in recent years (and due to left-wing political pressure) has the psychiatric community revised its longstanding position that sexual dysphoria is a mental disorder. Now, the condition is considered treatable through puberty blockers and life-changing and irreversible radical surgeries (as well as life-long therapy—a money-maker for psychiatrists and psychologists!).
Celebrity Support
Hollywood celebrities and others can’t help themselves in their virtue-signaling. Comedian Jon Stewart now “passionately defends medicalized transitioning of young children,” as reported by the Post Millennial. He is not alone, as other celebrities support children undergoing gender-affirming surgery.Philanthropists
The World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) was mentioned above. Some big names in the world of philanthropy also invest big money in pushing LGBTQI policies. One of those is Paul Singer, who has supported LGBTQ issues for over a decade. He has provided millions of dollars to various pro-LGBTQI organizations, including the American Unity Fund, American Unity PAC, Freedom for All Americans, LGBT University, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund, and Paul E. Singer Foundation.Concluding Thoughts
Many Americans are aghast at the explosion of in-your-face LGBTQI agenda throughout society and public and private institutions. The Biden administration is leading the charge largely through a stealth carrot-and-stick campaign, and virtue-signalers and sycophants everywhere seem to be falling in line. However, various groups (such as Mama Grizzly) are pushing back on the LGBTQI agenda, particularly those that involve grooming children, advocating pedophilia and lowering the age of consent, and so-called “gender-affirming surgery” for minors.Were all of these LGBTQI promotional policies on the ballot in 2020? Apparently so, although Biden certainly didn’t campaign on them. Regardless, the result has been further division and chaos in American society—just as planned.