Quiz: What do you know about South Korea?
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Quiz: What do you know about South Korea?
"Hi! What's your name? How are you?" Can you guess what else Koreans like to ask?
Do you know the meaning behind the word "Korea"?
A Korean child after a long day finally falls asleep and... dreams of an animal that brings good luck! Which one is it?
Japanese have Kimono, Chinese have Hanfu, Koreans have...
10 percent of the U.S. population has a fear of the number 13. Do you know what the unlucky number in South Korea is?
The traditional Korean wedding garments are usually in two specific colors, can you guess which ones?
Tradition is essential in this country. What is the
Jongmyo Jeryeak?
Hurray! A new celebration is coming. What is the purpose of the Gangneung Danoje Festival?
How old is a Korean baby when born?
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