Video: America’s First All-Girl Quintuplets Are Growing Up Fast

Epoch Video

Having a baby is a monumental decision to make for any family and involves huge financial burdens and commitments. A baby requires around the clock care and cannot be entered into half-heartedly; overnight feeds and diaper changes can be a real shock to the system for new parents! The tiredness is often said to be overwhelming, with once-excited parents instead looking like something from The Walking Dead. Clearly, parenting is no easy feat, and respect must be given to those families tackling the challenge head on for the very first time or who were crazy enough to want to repeat it with subsequent babies after the first.

But that’s with just one child, and very occasionally, twins or triplets. But for one lucky family—or unlucky, as the case may be—they were blessed with five babies to look after! A blessing or a curse? That’s for you to decide. Regardless, one family did find themselves landed with five bundles of joy, and now, they’re all grown up! Watch their antics in this wonderfully heartwarming and hilarious video, where the little terrors wreak havoc upon their home in their never-ending search for entertainment. Because, if nothing else, none of us can deny that little kids sure are cute.