Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed on Sunday to protect areas regarded to be in Russia’s national interest including the Kuril Strait, a disputed territory that Japan claims as its own.
“We will ensure their protection rigorously and using all available tools,” he remarked.
Putin said the Russian navy is “capable of instantly responding” to those who choose to impinge on Russia’s sovereignty and freedom, as well as carrying out its strategic missions “on any latitude of the World Ocean.”
“Its coastal, surface, air, and underwater forces and other means are highly prepared for decisive action. They are constantly being improved,” he added.
The location of their deployment will depend on the “interests of ensuring the security of Russia,” Putin said.
The Kuril Islands, known as the Northern Territories in Japan, consist of four islands: Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan, and Habomai islands. Japan claims the islands as part of its territory.
Russia Halted Peace Treaty Talks
Japan’s foreign ministry stated that the four islands “have never been held by foreign countries” and that they have been under illegal occupation by Russia, and the former Soviet Union before that, since 1945.Japan has initiated peace treaty talks with Russia “based on its basic policy of resolving the issue,” the ministry said.
The Russian foreign ministry said that it would be “impossible to discuss this fundamental document on bilateral relations with a state that holds an explicitly unfriendly position and seeks to harm the interests” of Russia.

Kishida stated that Japan’s goal of pursuing a peace treaty with Russia remained unchanged, but added that Japan must “resolutely continue to sanction Russia” in cooperation with the international community.