Protests in Pakistan Delay Release of Christian Woman

Protests in Pakistan Delay Release of Christian Woman
Pakistani protesters burn a poster image of Christian woman Asia Bibi, who has spent eight-years on death row accused of blasphemy and acquitted by a Supreme Court, in Hyderabad, Pakistan, Nov. 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Pervez Masih
The Associated Press

ISLAMABAD—The release of a Christian woman in Pakistan who was acquitted after she was sentenced to death for blasphemy has apparently been delayed after talks failed between the government and hard-line Islamists who wanted her publicly hanged.

Pakistan’s Supreme Court on Oct. 31 overturned the 2010 conviction of Asia Bibi on charges of insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.

Since then, hard-line Islamists have blocked highways to pressure the government to stop her release from an undisclosed detention facility.

On Nov. 1, Pakistan shut schools and colleges after Khadim Hussain Rizvi, the leader of Tehreek-e-Labbaik party, announced his talks with the government failed.

He asked his supporters to continue sit-ins as authorities summoned paramilitary troops to restore order.