A group described as anti-vaccine protesters tried to force their way into the London headquarters of the national UK medicines regulator that approves COVID-19 vaccines.
The Met police said that the protesters later became violent towards officers.
In various footage posted to social media on Sept. 3, dozens of police drive back a crowd of demonstrators who are trying to get through the doors of the building on Cabot Square in Canary Wharf.
That building is the headquarters of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
The protest came just ahead of a long-anticipated recommendation by another official body on whether healthy 12–15 year-olds should be vaccinated.
About an hour later, the group moved off to another location, where the Met said a number became violent towards police officers.
“Four of our officers have been injured during clashes,” said the Met Police in their latest update at around 3:30 p.m. “This is unacceptable. We remain on scene. Updates to follow.”

Andrew Wood, councillor for Canary Wharf, who was on the scene and taking photos which he shared on Twitter, said leaflets were being handed out about the vaccination of children at the protest at the MHRA headquarters.
Last week, a group of demonstrators occupied the entrance of the headquarters of ITV News and Channel 4 News in London, claiming that the media are misinforming people about vaccines and the pandemic.
Several times in the past few months, groups have peeled away from broader large-scale protests against pandemic measures to protest outside media premises. Last month, a group of protesters similarly sought out a broadcast building once headquartered by BBC News, and used now to host other broadcasts.