Protesters rallying in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 14, stressed concerns of communism threatening the United States, adding that the fight is more than just a feud between the Republicans and Democrats.
“It seems like communism is spreading in America faster than this virus is. … We’ve seen a lot of other nations fall to the tyranny of communism. ... We have to realize we cannot let that happen here in America because our fall will be much worse than all those other countries, and as goes the States, so goes the world,” said rally participant Michael Kassman.

Sau Lan Staats, president of Phoenix S&T and Founder of SimBalance, Inc. and a Chinese descendent from Hong Kong, said “seeing things going downhill so fast, freedom lost in such a short time, it just really wakes me up. … [The US] will be like Hong Kong very soon, and then eventually, it will be like China.”
“They are basically shutting off all news. … The number one [indicator] is the censorship on people’s speech,” Staats said.
“The amount of information out there that is being squelched, it is very obvious that [Big tech] has a clear objective… to quell free speech that is detrimental to their cause. Big tech is absolutely working against the interests of the United States,” Kassman said.
The 2020 election has been a roller coaster for both Republicans and Democrats. The media has called the election for Democratic candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, while Republican candidate President Donald Trump’s campaign is suing in many states and alleging election corruption. But protesters expressed that the battle is beyond Republicans and Democrats.
“It’s not Republican versus Democrat, it’s good versus evil. It is evil trying to make its biggest manifestation in this world right now,” Kassman said.
Kassman believes that evil is trying to “divide humans into different classes, different races, trying to divide us along party lines” and that people can defeat this if they come together and expose the election fraud “for the good of both sides in the country.”

Craigg Cody said that he hopes “God gives the courage to the Supreme Court and the state legislatures to expose the fraud and to do what is right” in both “God’s eyes” and the eyes of the American people.