One of the most telling parts of that story, however, is the statement from Adams’s press secretary, Fabien Levy, regarding the incident. After brushing aside the importance of the low-level staffer, Levy went on to say the following:
“Let’s also not forget that, time and again, Project Veritas has lied to spin false narratives and deceive the American people. This is an enterprise run by a convicted criminal and one that admitted to lying about their identity and their intent just to secretly record and have conversations with this now-former employee.”
The service it provides is essential in the current cultural environment. O’Keefe supplies explicit video evidence of what everyone already implicitly knows to be true: There’s a largely decentralized, radically motivated effort to subvert the traditional, faith-based social fabric of the United States (often associated with “conservative” values).
It’s not just happening in halls of power in your towns and (obviously) Washington.
Project Veritas’s infiltration tactics allow it to shine a light on the dark underbelly of what’s really going on in the United States. Much like the service provided by Libs of TikTok, Project Veritas holds a mirror up to the radical elements in American life. It exposes the public to the current information war that we’re all currently engaged in, whether we know it or not.
The operations that are most effective at forcing the left to stare at their own reflections are the ones that are most vehemently attacked.
That’s why there are constant efforts to try to silence Libs of TikTok, Project Veritas, and similar media sources. Tucker Carlson is abhorred by his enemies, not simply because he sheds light on issues they’d rather remain in the dark, but because of his effectiveness in exposing the hypocrisy of the American left. The cries of “selective editing” are hard to take seriously when Carlson’s show runs a montage of every outlet—from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and every other corporate acronym news source—repeating the exact same talking points, virtually verbatim.
Project Veritas videos include its undercover reporter’s question, as well as the answer. The context is provided so that viewers know what’s going on. Nobody cares if the pleasantries or small talk necessary to set the mood are cut out. The latter is obviously implied in an undercover video so that the person who doesn’t know they’re being recorded feels comfortable opening up about their true views. “Misrepresentation” is clearly a cope for the fact that they were caught.
These malicious actors writhe at the sight of their own reflection. As a result, they do everything they can (usually short of actually challenging the substance of the arguments) to shut down the dissenting outlets.

And, of course, they engage in lawfare in a last-ditch attempt to have the government forcefully shut down the dissenting opinions.
Back in November 2021, the DOJ raided the home of three Project Veritas journalists and seized more than 40 electronic devices. Information on the raid was made available to one single source, The New York Times.
Nothing is off limits when it comes to the left’s hidden agenda to destroy this country’s social fabric.
The case brought against Project Veritas is part of a broader attempt to discredit its investigations. It won’t work.
As O’Keefe stated after the verdict was handed down: “Journalism is on trial, and Project Veritas will continue to fight for every journalist’s right to news gather, investigate, and expose wrongdoing—regardless of how powerful the investigated party may be. Project Veritas will not be intimidated.”
It’s easy to call someone a conspiracy theorist when they tell you about a general effort underway to attack religion and tradition in this country. Pulling up a Project Veritas video makes it undeniable. For that reason, the legal attack underway against the group should be of concern to every freedom-loving American who wants to know what’s really going on behind the scenes in our institutions. The truth will always be worth defending.