Jones opened the show by saying that Australia was in “critical times.”
“We’ve become a nation of one idea, there’s no debate you’re not allowed to have an alternative viewpoint from that fed to us from the establishment forces,” he said. “Politicians ... are dictating to us and trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them. Well, they won’t silence you or me.”
However, a couple of minutes later, the stream cut out due to “excessive demand,” according to the broadcast team.
The show was rescheduled to resume two hours later at 10 p.m., but around 30 minutes later, Jones announced that his tech team fixed the issue “much faster than expected” and resumed the show without further issues.
The guests on his inaugural show featured New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet and Queensland Senator Matt Canavan, with freedom in Australia being the topic of discussion.
“We’ve lost the quintessential Australian characteristics of optimism, fun … offering one’s own opinion without the fear of being cancelled,” Jones said.
He also criticised the lockdown restrictions and mask mandates, describing it as a cure that was worse than the disease.
Perrottet said the society today was built on freedom and the sacrifice of previous Australians.
“Many people have given their lives for the opportunity and prosperity that we have today, and we shouldn’t lose sight of that,” Perrottet said. “The moment that [happens] we’ll leave our country in a poor state going forward.”

The premier was shocked that there were still “so many commentators, politicians, and members of the public who would still prefer us to be locked down in circumstances where there is no need.”
Jones’ asked Perrottet he thought Australians would be completely free again, to which Perrottet said, “Yes we will.”
“Freedom is the default position. Governments should only be coming in circumstances, where there is a high risk to people’s lives, and make tough decisions,” Perrottet said.
Perrottet acknowledged that the government “hadn’t always got it right,” but noted there had been a substantial success in keeping people safe and having a stronger economy.
“But we need to have the focus being—it’s not the government’s role to intervene, it’s the government’s role to get out of the way and allow society to flourish,” he said.