Powell’s Georgia Fraud Claims Sufficient to Set Aside Vote Certification

Powell’s Georgia Fraud Claims Sufficient to Set Aside Vote Certification
Sidney Powell, author of the bestseller "Licensed to Lie" and lead counsel in more than 500 appeals in the Fifth Circuit, in Washington on May 30, 2019. Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times
Stephen B. Meister
On Wednesday, just before midnight, former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell released a federal lawsuit (pdf) on behalf of Georgia’s Trump-pledged presidential electors against Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, among others.

In the explosive filing, Powell makes a series of specific, expert, and fact, witness-corroborated “retail” voter fraud claims wholly independent of her more publicized “wholesale” voter fraud claims related to the Dominion vote-counting software used in Georgia and other states, including all six battleground states still in dispute (the other five being, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona).

Powell alleges that affiant Matt Braynard gathered information through recorded calls with Georgia voters and from declarations of such voters, that, based on a “statistically significant sample,” expert witness William M. Briggs, Ph.D., concluded, to a 95 percent likelihood, that between 31,559 and 38,886 mailed ballots were “lost votes,” that is, never counted. This range exceeds the margin of loss of President Donald Trump of 12,670 votes by at least 18,889 lost votes and by as many as 26,196 lost votes.

Powell also claims that her expert, Briggs, found that Georgia voters received tens of thousands of ballots they never requested. The suit alleges that “Briggs found that in the state of Georgia, based on a statistically significant sample, the expected number of persons who received an absentee ballot they did not request ranges from 16,938 to 22,771.” This range also “exceeds the margin of loss of President Trump of 12,670 votes by at least 4,268 unlawful requests and by as many as 10,101 unlawful requests.”

From this evidence, Powell concludes that “third parties voted an untold number of unlawfully acquired absentee or mail-in ballots, which would not be in the database of unreturned ballots analyzed here,” in violation of Georgia election laws.

Powell’s suit further claims, that, as calculated by affiant Braynard, “there exists clear evidence of 20,311 absentee or early voters in Georgia that voted while registered as having moved out of state. ... The 20,311 votes by persons documented as having moved exceeds the margin by which Donald Trump lost the election by 7,641 votes.”

Powell further contends that “Mr. Braynard also found a pattern in Georgia of voters registered at totally fraudulent residence addresses, including shopping centers, mail drop stores and other non-residential facilities.”

In sum, Powell’s suit alleges, with fact and expert witness back-up, that tens of thousands of lawful votes did not get counted, and that tens of thousands of unlawful votes were improperly counted, and that the net effect of the non-counting of lawful votes for Trump and the counting of unlawful votes for Biden, unlawfully swung the election in Biden’s favor.

None of this would have been detected by Georgia’s recount, which merely counted all prior votes, including unlawful ones, and did not count lawful votes not previously counted.

All these claims are entirely independent of the shocking claims by Powell’s cyber-expert witness, Russell Ramsland, who contends “that data breaches in [Georgia’s] Dominion software permitted rogue actors to penetrate and manipulate the software during the recent general election, [as a result of which, he] concludes that at least 96,600 mail-in ballots were illegally counted as they were not cast by legal voters.”

Based on her evidence, Powell contends that “the Georgia certified election results concluding that Joe Biden received 12,670 more votes that President Donald Trump must be set aside.”

Stephen B. Meister is a lawyer and an opinion writer. Twitter @StephenMeister. Opinions expressed here are his own, not his firm’s.
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