Pompeo:The West Has Had Enough of the Chinese Regime

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On May 24th, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expressed that The West has tolerated the CCP’s authoritarian regime for too long, and the virus is making countries better understand the nature of the CCP. He also spoke out against the Australian state of Victoria’s plan to sign the “Belt and Road Initiative” with the CCP, which he said could “present real risks.”

On May 24th, Outsiders, a TV program that airs on Australian Sky News, interviewed Pompeo. He once again criticized the CCP, particularly for fully demonstrating its authoritarian nature during the pandemic. hU.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo: “Those are the things I think the world could see. It saw that the [CCP’s] reflex is to cover up, to hide, not to protect and secure and keep safe. Those are the kind of things that authoritarian regimes do by nature.”

Pompeo expressed that the West has tolerated the CCP for too long, and that countries around the world are beginning to wake up to the nature of the CCP as a result of the outbreak. U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo: “My comments the other day reflected what has been decades of western tolerance of behaviors that we don’t accept from any place else, and the nature of the CCP, now I think has become clearer as a result of this coronavirus.”

Moreover, in response to Victoria’s plan to sign the “Belt and Road” project with the CCP, Pompeo said the price of a country’s participation could be to make concessions to the CCP, and that to ensure the security of the Five Eyes Alliance intelligence network, the U.S. “will simply disconnect” with Australia if there are perceived security problems.

U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo: “Nearly each one of them has some cost to it. There’s often money loaned at concessional rates, or conditions placed in the debt documents, or government concessions that have to be made to the CCP in order to get those ‘Belt and Road’ initiative projects built. Those present real risks to the people in that region, the real risk to the country, and frankly, they built up the capacity of the CCP to do harm.”

At the end of his interview, Pompeo emphasized that the CCP’s act of blaming other countries for the origin of the virus was not only to deflect international attention, but also to make the Chinese people continuously “subservient to the CCP itself.”