A poll from Rasmussen Reports on Sept. 25 and Sept. 26 found that 46 percent of likely U.S. voters think Trump will be reelected in 2020 rather than be defeated in the election or impeached.
The nationwide poll results, released on Friday, came after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced that the House would pursue an inquiry into impeaching the president. They have accused Trump of acting improperly during a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky when he asked about investigating former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and said there has been no quid pro quo.
“Eighty-two percent of voters say they have been closely following recent news reports about Trump’s and Biden’s dealings with Ukrainian officials, with 55 pecent who have been following very closely,” Rasmussen also wrote of its findings.
It noted that 80 percent of Republicans believe Trump will be reelected, which is a view shared by only 19 percent of Democrats. Forty-three percent of independent voters think he will be reelected, and another 17 percent of independents think impeachment is the most likely outcome.
Pelosi Speaks Out
Pelosi, over the weekend, reiterated that “we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections” when she was asked whether the impeachment push could backfire against Democrats.
Political Brinkmanship?
The new polling numbers come as Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) said that Democrats might risk splitting the country apart amid the impeachment probe.“And meanwhile, while all this is going on, all the money is being spent, all the hearings are being had—and I don’t mind investigation if there’s something really there. If there’s something really there obviously we’ve got to investigate. And we have been investigating but to go into a full-blown impeachment is going to accomplish, unfortunately, certain goals that I don’t think are desirable,” he added.
The country is already divided, he said, over a number of issues, including Trump.

But the impeachment efforts “is going to make it worse,” Van Drew noted.
At the same time, members of Congress will not be focused on a number of important issues amid the probe and proceedings. “We have a host of issues to deal with … that are so serious, whether it is the debt or the deficit, whether it is social security or medicare, whether it is having elections that are secure, whether it is the cost of medications,” he said.