In the battle between good and evil, there are no bystanders.
Since February, international attention has focused on one momentous political event after another in China.
On the night of Feb. 6, Chongqing Deputy Mayor and former Chief of Police Wang Lijun escaped to the U.S Consulate in Chengdu and revealed a plan by Chongqing Party chief Bo Xilai and domestic security czar Zhou Yongkang to launch a coup.
A little more than a month later, Bo Xilai was removed from office.
Next, the terrible crimes committed during the persecution of Falun Gong by Zhou Yongkang and the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) he heads started to surface. At the same time, the unprecedented expansion of the PLAC’s power and its extrajudicial abuse of authority became widely recognized.

Not Simply Infighting
Media reports have often described this series of events as instances of infighting among the high-level officials in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but the story is not that simple.During the CCP’s 63-year-long rule of China, it has committed countless crimes against the Chinese people.
In China’s five thousand year history, no single dynasty or political figure has killed as many Chinese citizens as the CCP has. In a time of peace, the CCP has persecuted hundreds of millions of Chinese, causing 80 million Chinese to die from unnatural causes. This is more than is estimated to have died in World Wars One and Two combined.
The damage the CCP has caused to the Chinese people’s bodies, spirit, and culture could not be graver. The 13-year-long persecution of 100 million Falun Gong practitioners is absolutely horrendous, infuriating both heaven and humankind.
The crimes the CCP has committed against the Chinese people have consequences, and the CCP’s rule is ready to collapse.
Decision Point
The political storm that has shaken the topmost reaches of the CCP has been about the attempt to avoid blame for evil.The CCP head Hu Jintao, the Premier Wen Jiabao, and the presumptive next head of the CCP Xi Jinping do not want to be blamed for the persecution of Falun Gong, which was started in 1999 by former CCP head Jiang Zemin.
Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, and others want to avoid being held accountable for the crimes they have committed in trying to “eradicate” Falun Gong. They were willing to go so far as to plot a coup in order to keep power firmly in their hands.
But their moment has passed. Everyone in Chinese society, from high-ranking officials to common farmers, dislikes the persecution of Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners have patiently educated the people of China about the evil of the persecution and the goodness of their spiritual practice. The practitioners have transformed the situation in China.
Today history presents us a choice: whether to continue the persecution of millions of innocent Falun Gong practitioners and the oppression of people like Chen Guangcheng or to bring the culprits to justice and protect the basic rights and well-being of the people.
Black Prison
Bringing the persecutors to justice will win people’s hearts.When viewing the video footage on YouTube of Chen Guangcheng, the world has been infuriated with his tragic plight and with the desecration of the Chinese people’s human rights.
In China there are countless people who have experiences just as heart rending as Chen Guangcheng’s.
Consider the cases of the human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, the AIDs activist Hu Jia, the artist Ai Weiwei, and others whose names and stories are known around the world.

Consider the millions and millions whose names are not known: petitioners, religious people, independent thinkers, farmers, home owners, families wanting to have a second child, and others who have personally experienced the regime’s gangster-style methods and the lawlessness of the PLAC.
History’s Verdict
Any one at the top-level of the CCP who wants to disintegrate this black prison, return freedom to the people, and redress grievances, is doing the right thing.Those who want to maintain the black prison and even worse, pile on more abuses, are the arch enemies of the Chinese people.
In ancient China a simple rule was accepted: good deeds are rewarded with good; evil deeds receive evil in return. In fact, this principle guides history.
The height of our morality—our kindness and our righteousness—determines our futures.
Bringing to justice the culprits behind the persecution of Falun Gong is an act of conscience and courage that creates a new future for China. Such acts will be supported by the people and gain the trust of the people.
Everyone in China, from Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and Xi Jinping to the common citizens, has the opportunity to choose on which side to stand. An individual can choose to stand on the side of justice and morality or to stand with oppression and darkness. At this crucial moment in history, this choice will determine each individual’s destiny.
The people have waited too long, and history’s verdict is ready to be delivered. Huge changes are almost upon us.
This moment goes beyond the boundaries of politics and revolutions. It is a moment of fundamental choice.
Individuals in the free world cannot stand by as idle witnesses. They too must make a choice. They too must stand with or against the Chinese people, with or against morality, with or against freedom, and with or against the future.