Pleasanton Water Recycling Plant Expansion

Ilene Eng

The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) and East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) celebrated the finished expansion project at Jeffrey G. Hansen Water Recycling Plant in Pleasanton on August 15. The plant’s expansion will provide more recycled water in the Tri-Valley. The recycling plant is currently in operation.

The recycling plant has been operating since 2005. As California is in its drought years, the demand for more recycled water increased in the Tri-Valley. To solve this issue, the senior managers and the Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) authority manager worked together to expand the facility’s water production from 9.7 million gallons per day to 16.2 million gallons. Currently, they have a permit for up to 12.3 million gallons of water. They expect to reach their goal in the coming year.

The water treatment includes the Actiflo process, which filters water with microsand, and UV disinfection.

DSRSD partnered with EBMUD to form the San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Program, the current authorities overlooking the expansion. According to DSRSD, the expansion construction started in January 2017 and costed about $18 million. The two organizations collaborated with the city of Pleasanton to split the cost according to how much recycled water their customers use.

Much of the Tri-Valley relies on the recycled water for irrigation.

“A lot of the parks, golf courses, and other facilities require a lot of irrigation, including our median strips in our cities require recycled water for irrigation,” said associate chief engineer and project manager, Robyn Mutobe.

According to DSRSD, by 2020 the demand for water may double during hot summer days.

Ilene Eng
Ilene Eng
Ilene is a reporter based in the San Francisco Bay Area covering Northern California news.