People Are Coming out of Shen Yun More Informed and Better Educated, Says Company President

People Are Coming out of Shen Yun More Informed and Better Educated, Says Company President
Kiran Shankar enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at The Palace Theatre on April 27, 2023. Sally Lin/The Epoch Times

STAMFORD, Conn.—Kiran Shankar, the president of RD Go Creative, attended Shen Yun’s evening performance at The Palace Theatre on April 27. He felt a deep connection with the experience.

“The show was entertaining and engaging! It was spectacular in terms of the costumes, the pictures—the whole thing. It’s just very well put together,” he said.

“It was definitely an education. [The show’s] got a good dose of history, a good dose of culture—it gives you a peek into the box. I’m sure people are coming out more informed and better educated.”
Based in New York, Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. It was founded in 2006 by a group of leading Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of the communist party.
Following the 1949 communist takeover, traditional Chinese culture went through a period of mass destruction.
Since Shen Yun’s establishment, the New York-based artists have made it their mission to revive China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture.

Referring to the artists’ commitment to bringing back traditional culture, Mr. Shankar said, “It’s a noble mission.”

“Communism is submerging all of the rich history and culture of [China]—that is unfortunate. I think it’s good education for the new generation and for people like me who’s never been to China,” he expressed.

“It transported me to this world of ancient culture and all the years down the line to [the present.] This is more than just performing arts—it’s a noble mission. I salute them!”
He was also astounded by the skill of Shen Yun dancers.
“The performers—hats off to them—they were exceptional! It was more than acrobatics, more than gymnastics—it was classical dance. I’m sure a lot of hard work has gone into the performance. It was an evening very well spent.”
According to Shen Yun’s website, the classical Chinese dance we see in China today is heavily mixed with military and modern dance styles.
Only at Shen Yun can you find it performed in its purest form—the way it was originally passed down through the generations.
“It inspires you—Shen Yun inspires you with this common language of the performing arts. [The more] we are all the same, the more different we look. In this world today where everything is polarized, I think it’s a must-needed message,” Mr. Shankar said.
Reporting by Sally Lin and Jennifer Tseng.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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