Pennsylvania Lawmakers Urge McConnell and McCarthy to Dispute PA Election Results

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Urge McConnell and McCarthy to Dispute PA Election Results
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks to the media after the Republican's weekly senate luncheon in the US Capitol on Dec. 8, 2020 in Washington. (Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images)
Tom Ozimek

A group of 27 Pennsylvania GOP lawmakers on Dec. 30 penned a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), calling on them to dispute the Pennsylvania election results until an investigation is conducted into numerous claims of fraud.

Pointing to allegations of fraudulent activity and violations of election law, the lawmakers said in the letter that their effort has “nothing to do with overturning any election results, but rather ascertaining if the allegations of fraud corrupted the outcome of the vote.”

“There are simply too many questions that remain unanswered to say that the results can be trusted and therefore the certification is premature, and the results must be disputed until an investigation is completed,” wrote the group, comprised of eight Pennsylvania state senators and 19 state representatives.

Key allegations include statistical anomalies in votes, witnesses claiming interference with poll watchers’ ability to do their jobs, delays in opening or closing polling locations on Election Day, illegal ballot harvesting, improper ballot “curing,” lapses in chain of custody of ballots and election materials, and outright submission of fraudulent ballots.

The lawmakers also claimed a “massive vote deficit” in Pennsylvania, alleging that over 200,000 more votes were counted than the total number of voters who voted in the Nov. 3 election. They provided a reference to a recent statement put out by a group of Pennsylvania lawmakers, who compared Department of State records to DoS/SURE system records in claiming this discrepancy.

“These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error,” the lawmakers said in a release.

The Pennsylvania secretary of state’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment on the discrepancy. A spokesperson for Kathy Boockvar, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, told The Washington Examiner in a statement that the Republican lawmakers’ “so-called analysis was based on incomplete data” and that both state and federal judges “have sifted through hundreds of pages of unsubstantiated and false allegations and found no evidence of fraud or illegal voting.”

In their letter to McConnell and McCarthy, the lawmakers also allege that around one-third of the 121,000 voters whose gender on state voter rolls is noted as “Unidentified,” are fraudulent, and that around 90,000 of them voted in 2020.

They also referred to a Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing on Nov. 25, during which hours of testimony was presented regarding alleged voter fraud and violations of Pennsylvania election laws. Some of the irregularities presented during the hearing, which the lawmakers referred to in their letter, include claims that mail-in ballots were improperly inspected, hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were processed with “zero civilian oversight,” poll watchers were denied meaningful access, and timeline spikes showing more ballots being processed at a given time than voting machines are able to tabulate.

“In one such spike, close to 600,000 votes were dumped in a processing facility, with 570,000 of these votes going for Biden, and a paltry 3,200 for Trump,” they wrote.

The lawmakers argued that the hearing showed “rampant election fraud” in Pennsylvania, and that this “must be investigated, remedied, and rectified.”

They also alleged that in Pennsylvania the state Supreme Court and members of the executive branch undermined the state election code by such actions as eliminating signature verification while “allowing the proliferation of drop boxes with questionable security measures and the unauthorized curing of ballots.”

The Epoch Times reached out to McConnell’s office with a request for confirmation of receipt of the letter and comment, but did not receive a reply prior to publication.

Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.
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