Workers of the World Unite–Against Despotism

Workers of the World Unite–Against Despotism
Demonstrators take part in the Freedom Convoy protests against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions in Ottawa on Jan. 31, 2022. (Jonathan Ren/The Epoch Times)
Scott Masson
­‘Rebellion is always an evil. It is always an offence against the law of a nation. It is not always a moral crime. […] What is hateful is not the rebellion, but the despotism which induces that rebellion. What is hateful are not the rebels, but the men who, having the enjoyment of power, do not discharge the duties of power; they are the men who, having the power to redress wrongs, refuse to listen to the petitioners who are sent to them; they are the men who, when they are asked for a loaf, give a stone. ~ Prime Minister of Canada Wilfred Laurier, March 16, 1886

As fears of COVID fade, the gulf between those who represent the power of the nation and those who defend its morality has widened. It has pitted the globalist managerial elites against the workers.

While other countries have relaxed or dropped their Covid mandates, the ideological blindness of the Federal government led it to expand and harden its restrictions. It was the last straw for the working class in our weary nation. It prompted an enormous convoy of truckers, fueled by a sense of injustice.

This clash between the mandates of the mandarins and the morality of the movers has been a pattern around the world over the past two years. It was most evident when the Nuremberg Code of medical ethics was steamrolled by the managers of the Western healthcare establishment, and God-given freedoms were robbed from the people by the power grab of government bureaucracy.

It is the virus itself that has halted this momentum. Omicron has disappointed the opportunist fearmongers. The biggest threat it poses is that its patent weakness undermines the need to continue the regime of mandates and government by fiat.

This is what has made the freedom convoy such a popular story.

People intuit that the clash is as much about the future of democracy, and have a sense that the time to stop the momentum towards a future of despotism is now–before it’s too late. After two years, there has, after all, been no exit strategy announced from the state of emergency declared from on high, or an end to the ‘emergency powers’ seized by politicians in democratic countries. They openly call their unconstitutional restrictions on people ‘the new normal.’

The language is telling and important.

A new normal of dictatorship would be convenient if the plan of the elites was for the medical emergency to give way to the ‘climate emergency.’ As Mark Carney noted to the BBC a year ago, it was ‘worse than Covid’ and it warranted the same despotic powers for the banking and credit system to manage the heroic fight on behalf of everyone, with or without their approval.

Some might question whether this conclusion is warranted. But witness how the convoy was greeted by the powers-that-be in Canada, and the Prime Minister that has never ceased speaking about the need to fight the climate emergency. Even as the convoy arrived, an impasse could have been avoided. Former Liberal Prime Minister Laurier’s keen sense of the moral limits of power, and the need for reconciliation and concession would have done it. But instead of following the spirit of Laurier, discharging the duties of power, seeking to redress wrongs, or even granting an audience to the petitioners, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave them a stone.

He acted as if power was a privilege, not a duty.

If that weren’t hard enough to swallow, he disparaged them even before they arrived as a ‘fringe minority’ with ‘unacceptable views.’ Globalist banking governor Mark Carney added his stone this week by calling them ‘insurrectionists’ and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh even blew the ideological dog whistle and called the truckers white supremacists. The parroting of like sentiments by the Canadian media establishment only made his rock into a wall surrounding the establishment.

The stonewalling that has ensued has only fueled the convoy’s cause. It created an immediate surge in popular support for the truckers, and incited popular peaceful rebellions around the globe.

Rather than walking their decision back or engaging in dialogue, the government has remained stony-faced. There is still no dialogue or debate. They think this is about power, and nothing else. And they regard absolute power as their privilege, if not divine right. So do all despots.

Ontario Conservative Premier Doug Ford said nothing, but first moved to freeze their online funding, and then declared a state of emergency with serious punishment for the protesters.

How can they remain committed to such a brazen assault on their own public image?

The reasons are twofold and linked. Many in our political class have never learned how to debate or reach common ground with their opponents, and they have resolutely committed themselves to a climate ideology with a similarly tyrannous appeal to urgency and powers to combat it.

The lazy intellectual habits of the political elites and their comfort with despotic power is being exposed now that they are clearly unnecessary to deal with the crisis at hand.

Yet it has simultaneously exposed the great betrayal of the working class by the political left. The political establishment has ironically performed the miracle of turning bread into stones even while they mouth platitudes of operating on behalf of the marginalized and oppressed.

This universal human proclivity to stone others for their sins while being blind to their own, has become a habit of thought of the elites. Habits can be broken. They need to heed Jesus’ words: He that is without sin, cast the first stone.

The workers want the bread of their lives back.

The elites and their apologists need to repent.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
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