The woke apparatus has created an entire arbitrary language structure that is built upon a shifting foundation of sand. Let us count the ways this partial list of convoluted terms ought to be debunked.
Next, “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) is the ultimate mumbo-jumbo phrase that seeks to utilize a quota system as the primary determinant in selecting minority folks for academic and occupational slots. It has nothing to do with competition, intellectual diversity, and merit, which are bedrock democratic principles. DEI is a major reason public education has undergone a nosedive in the last 15-20 years. It rewards the indolent and punishes the productive. It is also a disservice to the minority recipients of DEI who don’t seek special favors in order to advance in life.
Third, “environmental, social, governance” (ESG) is another excuse for the self-anointed elites to extend their tentacles into the free markets. It could be translated as climate hysteria, social control, and government intrusion. ESG is unscientific as it attempts to coerce businesses to ignore consumers and shareholders in favor of hypersensitive globalists who wish to rule the “unwashed” masses.

Fourth, “gender-affirming care” is about as dystopian as one can get. It describes the “care” that young people receive when they are persuaded to transition to another gender. It ought to be labeled gender-negating cruelty, because it attempts to block the natural process of puberty with drugs and mutilates people by excising crucial body parts. It’s often carried out without parental consent, and youngsters aren’t warned about the long-term repercussions of transgenderism. Anyone who persuades young people to endure a process that defies moral and natural law should be held fully accountable.
Fifth, “marginalized,“ ”underrepresented,“ and ”underserved” communities are allegedly harmed in society, according to radicals who focus on a victim mentality. The left chooses to ignore that in a free society (which has already repealed its racist laws), folks are only marginalized if they choose to isolate themselves and refuse to assimilate. Anyone can succeed in America if they study and work hard. Discrimination may still occur, but it must be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Sixth, “people of color” is meaningless because it excludes Caucasians. When have you seen anyone who is the color of white paper? Caucasians come in many shades of skin tone, so the entire human race is comprised of people of color. Consequently, this phrase should either include everyone or else be relegated to the ash heap of history.
Seventh, folks on the left like to think of themselves as “progressive.” Is it progressive when young people are mutilated in an attempt to alter the immutable laws of God and nature regarding gender? Was it progressive to allow Antifa and Black Lives Matter to instigate anarchy in the summer of 2020? Progressives think of themselves as woke, but their theories are sleep-walking toward regression.
Eighth, a recent trend among woke folks is called “quiet quitting.” It can be translated as exerting minimal effort in the workplace while demanding an array of benefits. In the real world, those who utilize this slothful tactic will likely encounter a rude awakening.
Ninth, “social justice” is often bandied about by the woke industry. There is no such creature as social justice, but there is equal justice under the law. To the left, social justice justifies seizing from those who produce and redistributing it to the deadbeats in society who don’t pull their own weight.

Tenth, folks who claim to be woke assert that they are vigorously “speaking truth to power.” Really? How does one confront power when you already have the power? The left controls most of academia, entertainment, government, the legacy media, and Big Tech. The people who face up to this power are the folks who are bold enough to call out this monopoly of “freedom for me, but not for thee.”
Eleventh, left wingers believe that America was built on “systemic racism.” While a degree of racism exists in any society, free societies tend to encourage systemic opportunity. Most folks no longer care about color, creed, ethnicity, gender, or race as long as there is mutual respect for the civil rights of all people.
Twelfth, what does the left mean by “toxic masculinity?” Why don’t they mention toxic femininity to describe women’s rights advocates who display a deafening silence regarding females who seek a level playing field in sports and the workplace? Moreover, American men should possess more healthy masculine traits, because the woke industry attempts to cut men down to size any chance it gets. Women should also have pride in developing positive feminine character traits.
Thirteenth, “transphobia” is a knee-jerk phrase utilized as a weapon against anyone who exposes the abuses of or raises legitimate questions about the transgender industry.
Finally, the left has produced the nonsensical phrase, “You do you.” It’s quite similar to the play on words “Be you to full” or beautiful. It appears to be a narcissistic mantra that enables individuals to give in to impulses and disregard objective truth.
By controlling the language, the woke industrial complex aims to make everyone equally miserable except for the ringmasters who control the circus. The woke dystopia seeks to transform the American Dream into the American nightmare for anyone who adheres to traditional spiritual values.
Modern Marxism is adept at aggressive victimology, assaulting religion, censoring free speech, deflecting responsibility, dismantling our founding principles, intellectual laziness, spreading disinformation, and accelerating America’s decline without constructing anything credible to replace the demolition. However, there is good news! Although the insidious woke industry constantly attempts to initiate culture wars, it can never take away our God-given rights, because our inherent liberty doesn’t originate from man-made institutions.