This should scare every American, especially Californians. Our state’s vaunted global tech dominance is being challenged by communist China—even as our state is damaging itself through “wokeness.”
Huawei also “looks to cut its ties with Android” on which its smartphones currently depend, as do those from Samsung, Motorola, Google’s Pixel, and other firms. Most of those non-Huawei phones currently are made in China, as are Apple’s iPhones.
TechNode continued, “While all previous consumer versions of Huawei HarmonyOS have been compatible with Android, HarmonyOS NEXT will break away from Android architecture, establishing itself as a truly independent operating system. ...
Seeking Smartphone Dominance
This is the first major attempt to break the Apple–Android duopoly on the software that runs smartphones and tablets since Microsoft’s Windows Phone, which ran from 2010 until its discontinuation in 2020. If mighty Microsoft couldn’t crack that market, then the task remains daunting for Huawei, despite its many advantages. But they are going for the prize.
Nobody knows if that will happen. But U.S. sanctions spurred China’s chip development.
If people order Big Macs in your operating system, you’ve really made it.
California Needs STEM Brains
This is where California could lose America’s tech duel with communist China with the state’s dumbing-down of its school systems. It’s replacing an emphasis on STEM—science, technology, engineering, and math—with an obsession with not making students feel bad. In industry, it is replacing competition with ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion). But the “S” in ESG really is socialism.How far the state’s school system has fallen from what some Baby Boomers remember as its “golden age” in the 1960s, when it led the nation in tech education. That paid off with real results.
Shortly after graduating, they co-founded Apple, whose headquarters is located in Cupertino.

‘Woke’ Companies
But it’s not just dumbing-down the schools. It’s the atmosphere of ESG and DEI that has infested the companies themselves, dulling competition. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that, since the highly innovative and ultra-competitive Jobs died in 2011, Apple has produced no genius new products. The Apple Watch was in the pipeline before he died.The company’s stock has multiplied 15 times since then, a great accomplishment. But all the company has done is consolidate its brilliant product lineup and add more content. True achievements, certainly. I mostly use Apple products.
“We work with teachers, advocates, and entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds as part of our Racial Equity and Justice Initiative,“ CEO Tim Cook says. ”We help create opportunity in communities on the frontlines of climate change through the Restore Fund, which supports carbon removal and sustainable forestry. And we provide resources and training to the next generation of innovators through the Apple Developer Academy and educational initiatives across the globe.”
As I have said several times, “equality” is the old civil rights idea of equal opportunity and non-discrimination, while “equity” is the socialist control and distribution of resources and privileges based on political power.
The document reports under the headline “Increased representation in leadership”: “In calendar year 2021, 47% of open leadership roles were filled by women globally, an increase of 10 percentage points since 2020, and we’ve had an 87% increase in women in leadership since 2014. And in 2021, we hired more Black and Hispanic/Latinx team members in the U.S. than ever before, with 13% open leadership roles filled by Black candidates and 12% filled by Hispanic/Latinx candidates.
“Since 2014, we’ve had an 84% increase in the number of Black employees and a 90% increase in the number of Hispanic/Latinx employees in leadership in the U.S.”

- White alone: 58.9 percent (not Hispanic or Latino);
- Hispanic or Latino 19.1 percent (they don’t use Apple’s Latinx designation Latinos hate);
- Black 13.6 percent;
- Asian 6.3 percent;
- American Indian 1.3 percent;
- Other 0.8 percent.
Huawei’s Priorities
By contrast, let’s look at Huawei’s ESG and DEI statements. I did searches on their website. Here’s what I found on For ESG, there only are a couple of links for “Enterprise Strategy Group,” something different.It’s obvious that Huawei is just trying to placate DEI pressures from woke Europeans. But there’s nothing close to a companywide policy such as for Apple and the other U.S. tech giants.
We Must All Hang Together
As Benjamin Franklin said during America’s revolution against the world’s greatest empire of the time, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” He was both a genius inventor and an American Founding Father.America needs to return to its old spirit of giving equal opportunity for all, not equality of results. It’s the spirit of rugged individualism and fierce competition that built this country, along the way lifting all boats. We must hang together—and compete with one another in a system of fairness for all.
While few students will become math geniuses and start innovative new companies, all need to be schooled in STEM fields with stiff competition. Obviously, many won’t reach the top levels. But the race to the top is essential. And even those who score at the lower levels at least will have been challenged, and have learned something useful. Someone scoring low on, say, trigonometry still would learn how to think in a way that would help in being a carpenter or a plumber.
Communist China sure isn’t stopping. Sops to sappy Europeans and Americans to the contrary, there’s no ESG and DEI in their system.
In the battle for the future, it’s California versus China, and California is surrendering.