Far-left district attorneys have been elected to several major jurisdictions across the United States.
It’s likely that Soros and his friends in the ultra-secretive Democracy Alliance have helped finance at least some of these races. However, these victories couldn’t have been achieved without on-the-ground support from the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and their pro-China communist friends from Liberation Road and LeftRoots.
The hard left is electing socialist DAs for several reasons—all revolutionary.
Respect for the rule of law is essential to the functioning of a free constitutional republic such as the United States of America. Socialist DAs, rightly or wrongly, claim a lot of discretion over which laws they enforce and which they don’t.
By not enforcing laws against vagrancy, street prostitution, public drug use, shoplifting, and petty vandalism, more serious crime soon becomes endemic. By heavily penalizing businesses and landlords for even the smallest failure, good businesses are forced out or are closed down. Soon, poverty and homelessness increases, and police forces become demoralized and corrupt.
Discontent becomes the order of the day: “See, the capitalist system is failing you,” the left says.
Lawlessness makes misery, and misery makes revolution.
Marxists also believe that crime isn’t the fault of the individual but is the result of the oppressive class structure of the “capitalist” system. Therefore, it’s illogical and unjust to penalize people for committing crimes that society is actually responsible for.
The police and the courts aren’t there to protect and serve the people. They’re there to protect “capitalism” and private property. And, as any good Marxist will tell you, “private property is theft.”
Larry Krasner
According to DSA-linked Jacobin magazine, “In Philadelphia, Larry Krasner, a self-described ‘completely unelectable’ defense attorney with a history of suing the city’s police department and representing Black Lives Matter and Occupy activists pro bono, became the city’s top prosecutor” in 2017.The “former Bernie Sanders supporters” were in fact mainly DSA activists. Philadelphia DSA endorsed Krasner and threw hundreds of comrades into Krasner’s race.

Tiffany Cabán
In 2019, directly inspired by Krasner, a virtually unknown public defender, Tiffany Cabán, ran for DA in Queens, New York. Cabán built a grassroots campaign that brought in community organizations, such as Liberation Road-aligned Make The Road New York, plus the Working Families Party, Citizen Action, and the DSA.“Cabán is a career public defender and DSA member who is running a racial justice campaign with a clear class-struggle message. Her campaign is focused on ending the use of cash bail, declining to prosecute a plethora of crimes of poverty such as jumping turnstiles, ending the war on drugs and sex workers, and demilitarizing the police. Moreover, Cabán has promised to use the Queens County District Attorney’s office to prosecute abusive landlords and despotic ICE agents, set up participatory budgeting for the district attorney’s office, and launch a wage theft unit to take on hyper-exploitative bosses.
“Criminal justice reform, and ultimately destroying the existing prison system, is central to any socialist program—especially because of the role that incarceration plays in racial oppression. Black and Latinx people make up 56% of those in prison and jail despite comprising only 28% of the total US population. People of color are also disproportionately victims of police violence and murder, and ICE routinely terrorizes immigrant communities of color.
“Ultimately, as socialists, we fight for the elimination of police and prisons in their current form. In the current moment, that means organizing explicitly toward ending mass incarceration and demilitarizing the police in order to build greater consciousness about the need for even more radical reforms. Tiffany Cabán’s campaign is so powerful because it builds off the example being set in Philadelphia by Larry Krasner and pushes precisely these immediate reforms forward. ...
Chesa Boudin
Schweitzer explicitly connected the recent election of Chesa Boudin to San Francisco DA to the Cabán race:“New York is by no means the only city in dire need of radical criminal justice reform. And Tiffany Cabán is by no means the only progressive running for District Attorney. Chesa Boudin, a proud socialist, is running for San Francisco District Attorney on a platform similar to Cabán’s.”When Boudin narrowly won, DSA’s Eric Wimer and presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) both offered congratulations.
“A lot of DSA members worked hard for this campaign, Tiffany Caban among them (a consolation for her loss is that she helped Boudin win), and for Dean Preston for Supervisor, which we endorsed. Happy that the late ballots pulled them over the top!!”Sanders wrote on Facebook:
“Now is the moment to fundamentally transform our racist and broken criminal justice system by ending mass incarceration, the failed war on drugs and the criminalization of poverty. Congratulations Chesa Boudin for San Francisco District Attorney on your historic victory!”Boudin is the son of Kathie Boudin and David Gilbert, former Weather Underground terrorist leaders who were jailed in connection with an attempted robbery of a Brink’s armored car in 1981 that resulted in the death of two police officers and a guard. Chesa was raised in Chicago by Weather Underground leaders and longtime Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
Boudin’s maternal grandfather was New York communist attorney Leonard Boudin.
The crime and filth infested streets of San Francisco aren’t likely to improve much with Boudin running the prosecutor’s office.
More and more businesses and affluent taxpayers will likely leave San Francisco over the next few years. Once the greatest tourist city on the West Coast, it’s sinking into crime, misery, and disease.
And misery is just what the revolutionaries are aiming for.