What’s Behind China’s New 3-Child Policy?

What’s Behind China’s New 3-Child Policy?
Nurses hold babies at the Xiyuege Center, or "Lucky Month Home," in Beijing, on Dec. 13, 2016. (Greg Baker/AFP via Getty Images)
Yang Wei

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently announced its decision to allow married couples to have up to three children, a major policy shift from the two-child limit. The new policy comes as China’s birth rate has significantly declined while its aging population continues to increase.

Such an absurd decision is unprecedented in the world. What kind of government would directly intervene with its citizens’ family planning? Over the 5,000 years of Chinese history, the dynasties or emperors have never meddled with it.

The CCP leaders claim to be atheists, but they act like God as they want to control everything. Not only do they treat Chinese people like slaves, but also want to decide on the number of children each family can have. If the Chinese Communist regime really dominated the world, they would want to decide everybody’s fate.

Fearing a food shortage, the CCP implemented the one-child policy in 1980 to slow China’s rapid population growth. When it later found that the labor force had been declining, it decided to roll-out the two-child policy in 2015. Now that the population is aging and the actual birth rate is declining, Beijing has lifted the restrictions again, allowing three children per couple. But the CCP still refuses to acknowledge that the current population crisis is the result of its own meddling.

During a high-level meeting on May 31, the CCP said that dealing with the aging population is a matter of “high-quality economic development, safeguarding national security and social stability,” according to state-run media Xinhua.

The CCP has never cared about the wellbeing of its people. Its top brass has always been worried about the stability of the regime and whether their personal authority would be threatened. Now, the Party realizes that having too many elderly people will increase the burden on society, and it means the workforce will shrink and affect productivity, there will be fewer people for military enlistments, and social unrest would be inevitable. The CCP is naturally concerned.

The Politburo, China’s top decision-making body, meets once a month. While China faces many problems at home and abroad, the state media only reported that the top-level officials at the recent meeting only reviewed the aging population issue and decided to allow couples to have a third child. It is clear that the CCP doesn’t care about the livelihood of its people and is only concerned about maintaining its power.

At a press briefing held by the Foreign Ministry on May 31, spokesperson Wang Wenbin did not answer any questions about the CCP’s new three-child policy and instead passed the buck to the so-called department that’s in charge of it.

The Chinese regime also controls its people’s thoughts by spreading its communist and socialist ideologies throughout society, especially through the education system.

On May 31, the CCP’s official theoretical journal Qiushi (Seeking the Truth) published Xi Jinping’s article on the importance of learning about the CCP’s history, the nation’s reform and opening up, and the socialist development under the Party.

Xi emphasized that all Party members and officials must “guide the public, especially the youth to understand why the CCP ‘is capable’, why Marxism ‘works’ and why socialism with Chinese characteristics ’is good', and to resolutely listen and follow the Party.” He also stressed that the CCP must “maintain good control over the youth’s education so that the red gene ... is passed on from generation to generation.”

The CCP wants to decide whether a person can be born or not; and after birth, it wants to control the person’s mind, molding him or her into a “Red Guard” as its tool. In the eyes of the CCP’s top leaders, the Chinese people are merely tools at their disposal and are expected to obey and follow the Party’s rules throughout their lives.

Yang Wei has been closely following China affairs for many years. He has been contributing political commentary on China for the Chinese language Epoch Times since 2019.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Yang Wei has been closely following China affairs for many years. He has been contributing political commentary on China for the Chinese language Epoch Times since 2019.
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