Merriam-Webster defines community as “a unified body of individuals.” But that is just the start, because it adds “Such as:” followed by a plethora of possibilities for the meaning of community. A community could be “the people with common interests living in a particular area broadly,” or it could be “a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society. Another possibility is ”a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society.“ Still more possibilities are ”a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests,“ or ”a group linked by a common policy.“ A community could be ”an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (such as species) in a common location.”Our questions have been answered, but is there any significance to those answers? Where we live is most definitely our community, but if personal or professional interests are held in common with others, we belong to that community as well. We could belong to a community even if they live far away and scattered, such as an online community. It is even possible to leave communities and join others, if we so chose.

My recent reflection though, focused on the cold and unforgiving vs. the warm and supportive. I was a member of a community for 27 years that told me they were warm and supportive at every opportunity. They were not. That particular community turned out to be cold and unforgiving, and had always been of that character. The realization came as soon as I uttered a word against the accepted narrative. Word to the wise: If someone has to tell you what they are, it probably isn’t true.New Community
So, I was ostracized from my community, by the very people I spent nearly three decades with, for not agreeing with them. For telling them that they lived in an echo chamber that reinforced their predilections and were probably suffering from cognitive dissonance. But then an amazing thing happened: A new community, one that had coalesced around the brave, courageous, free, and critical thinkers that also spoke out, celebrated my ostracizing.My new community threw me a party, complete with a band and the most amazing cake. It was a surprise to me. I may have teared up a bit. Okay, I did tear up. I realized how much my new community cared. I also realized that the community was bigger, much bigger, than those present at the celebration. Space was limited, people had other commitments, and all the other usual limitations.

The Letter
The letter from Cumberland County, Pa., somewhere I have never been to, from someone I never met, was full of encouraging words. Such as courage being contagious, and that when others in education reach their time “to be challenged on their beliefs,” that I had set an example for them to follow. The letter recognized that the nation needs more teachers to “hold the line to stop indoctrination,” and that “the road is not for the faintest of hearts.” “Standing up for what is right, just, and true” is rarely easy, and never as easy as parroting the narrative. Boy, that’s true.After reading that letter, I realized just how large my new community was. But more importantly, I realized that had I not overcome my fear of being canceled and stood up to begin with, I would not have found them. In other words, we will never find that community we deserve and need unless we get off our butts and do what we know is to be right and true. Community will provide us with love and support, but also with an outlet to return the same—which will really recharge your human spirit. Giving really is better than receiving.
Now, if you haven’t already, go find your community. They need you.