What Are the Dark Origins of Communism

What Are the Dark Origins of Communism
A statue of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the main architects of communism, in front of the Palace of the Republic in Berlin, Germany. (John MacDougall/AFP/Getty Images)
Ryan Yang

Throughout history, systems have been put in place to govern people and lead countries, whether it be the monarchies of the past or the democracies of today. But no system of governance declares war on humanity itself. No system strips people of every conceivable human right in the name of creating an earthly utopia. That is, no system other than communism.

Under the communist doctrine, people are seen as expendable material. In other words, communism treats human life as if it were an excess waste. In the eyes of communist leaders, struggle, suffering, and death are necessary catalysts for progress and growth. Coupled together, these beliefs make widespread death under communist rule the only probable outcome.

Sure enough, through cruel and sickening means, every communist experiment has resulted in millions of unnatural deaths.

Under Stalin’s 29-year reign, purges and famines resulted in the unnatural deaths of more than 60 million people. During Mao Zedong’s 27-year reign in China, he killed between 50 and 70 million people. In total, more people died under communist rule than any other system in history. The lower classes had fought to put these regimes into power. But ironically, the significant majority of deaths belonged to these lower classes, which communism was supposed to benefit.

While most people would agree that famines and genocide are horrible, communist leaders reframe them as great successes and steps to a “better” future. They believe extreme suffering will cause people to give up their basic morality and code of ethics in exchange for basic survival. In doing so, people would also become so shocked, fearful, and apathetic that they wouldn’t be able to resist complete communist control.

They also understood that while people still believed in traditional values, communist ideals could not reign undisputed. So they sought to clean the slate.

Mao Zedong started China’s Cultural Revolution with the intent of destroying all Chinese culture, including religion, art, and history. During this era, intellectuals were tortured, humiliated, and executed to ensure that any memory of traditional culture was erased from the public mind. Similarly, Stalin’s regime also destroyed many Russian cathedrals and vandalized cultural monuments in an attempt to promote communist beliefs instead.

By erasing previous standards for moral conduct in society, communist ideals could effectively supplant it as the dominant philosophy. Through this, the communist idealogy would rule supreme as their leaders dictate what opinions are correct. This fundamental shift results in basic humanity being replaced with strict obedience to the Communist Party.

Under communist rule, freedom becomes nonexistent, morality is futile, and the Party is infallible. To communist leaders, human life is worthless and little more than a tool to create fear and despair among the masses.

Rather than fulfilling its promise of creating a utopia, people under the communist boot endure in a living hell. This is because the aim of communism is not to govern humanity, but to destroy it entirely.

But what are the ideas that caused such a despicable system to take root in the world? What are the dark origins of communism? In this special series, we join host Joshua Philipp to dive deep into The Dark Origins of Communism.
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Based in New York City, Ryan Yang writes thorough opinion pieces that tackle tough issues in today's world. With his background in history, Ryan specializes in exploring lessons from the past while providing compelling commentary on current events.
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