We all know about hate crimes, perpetrated by racists and bigots against, for example, ethnic and religious groups. They include anti-Asian hate, slurs against African Americans, and attacks on Jewish synagogues.
The victims were promoting the principles of “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance,” and for that “crime” were hounded out of China, or into hiding, much as Protestants in the 17th century fled religious persecution in England.
The suspect allegedly punched, kneed, stomped, toppled, tore, and scattered Falun Gong information tables and their contents, including leaflets, a loudspeaker, frames, a banner, and posters. The written material elucidated the spirituality of Falun Gong, as well as its persecution under the CCP. In a summary of a video taken at the scene, it’s written that the suspect allegedly used a “knife or a lighter” during an apparent attempt to carry off some of the display materials.
A volunteer at the booth, Xu Weiguo, described the man as looking “gangster-like,” according to the report. He wore all black clothing, including a black baseball cap, and had full-sleeve tattoos. After being confronted by a passerby at one incident, the man walked away only to return with his chest partly bared, revealing a large tattoo of a dragon that apparently extended from his chest over his shoulder.

The alleged front group leader, Li Huahong, then taunted the practitioners, saying, “Go to the police! Why not?” according to the volunteer.
The attacks on Falun Gong are an example of the CCP’s transnational repression and power projection.
According to documents assembled by Yiyang Xia at the Human Rights Law Foundation, the CCP sees its “struggle” against Falun Gong and “other cult organizations” (by which the CCP could mean any religion, including Christianity, Islam, Tibetan Buddhism, or Taoism) as a “political contest” to protect the CCP’s “leadership and the socialist system” from “anti-China forces in the West.”
The CCP seeks to “blacklist” practitioners and obtain “overseas ... action-oriented intelligence information” to “make overseas anti-cult struggles more and more active” for the “targeted education, persuasion, restraint, and disintegration” of Falun Gong.
In accord with America’s freedom of speech and religion, we must do more to protect the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, who are working to save America from the CCP’s hegemonic and totalitarian ambitions. That should start with a thorough investigation and airing of any links between the CCP and criminals in New York.