The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the U.S. Democratic Party are big on unified messaging (also known as propaganda), lockstep voting, and democracy according to their own specific definitions. The parallels are eerie.
Unified Messaging
In communist China, the short-term and long-term narratives of CCP leader Xi Jinping and his henchmen are amplified daily by state-run media, CCP bureaucrats, and wolf warrior diplomats. Communist euphemisms such as “community with a shared future,” “common prosperity,” “core interests,” and “indivisibility of security” are endlessly repeated to browbeat Chinese citizens and psychologically condition them to accept CCP diktats without resistance. Perhaps the most laughable euphemism is the communists’ claim that their one-party system is a “whole process people’s democracy.”In the United States, the Democratic Party has a similar unified messaging strategy, especially when there is a Democrat in the Oval Office. This is no surprise because many progressive Democrats have been schooled in Maoist thought during their college years.
Thus, Democrats have adopted Mao’s Three Warfares for their own use, especially the elements of media warfare (influencing public opinion) and legal warfare (providing the legal context for Democrat efforts to change the U.S. constitutional Republic that they call “lawfare”).

Lockstep Voting
The CCP captures the annual trophy for “most lockstep votes cast,” as the various “votes” taken by the Politburo and National People’s Congress (China’s rubber-stamp legislature) are virtually by acclamation with minimal, if any, dissenting votes cast. All of these people are lifelong communists who believe that the CCP is the rightful ruling class in China.The Democratic Party can only look upon the CCP with admiration regarding unified voting. However, Democrats in Congress lately have done a good job in voting as a bloc without defections on key legislation under the Biden administration. One of the most recent examples was the passage of the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” on a party-line vote. Senate confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court of Ketanji Brown Jackson and Democrat senators voting in lockstep to impeach former President Donald Trump are other good examples.
Democracy Defined
As far as Xi’s claim that China is a “whole process people’s democracy” is concerned, all of the country’s institutions are entirely controlled by the CCP. The notion that anything is approaching a genuine participatory democracy where all Chinese people—not just the communists—have a say in running the country is absurd. All provincial and national senior government officials in communist China are elected by the appropriate people’s congress deputies or are appointed, not democratically elected by Chinese citizens.The eight tiny political parties that the communists allow to operate include approximately 1.25 million people out of a total population of around 1.4 billion. Each party is aligned ideologically with the CCP by design and control. Any dissenting voices are crushed. Western concepts such as “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” are discarded by the communists, whose domestic political goals are despotism and tyranny through a perpetual one-party rule.

In short, the CCP’s “whole process people’s democracy” is a sham and nothing more than a propaganda tool.
The Democratic Party uses the word “democracy” routinely to achieve its political objectives, too. Phrases like “defending our democracy” and “saving our democracy” abound in speeches by senior Democrats. One example of Democrats “defending democracy” is defeating all attempts to strengthen election integrity by equating voter ID laws to voter suppression. Never mind that election fraud enabled by weak voter ID requirements itself undermines democracy by negating the legal votes of American citizens.
- In September 2019, Clinton claimed that “voter suppression” (for example, Republican efforts to implement strong voter identification laws) has led to a “crisis in democracy.”
- In December 2019, during impeachment deliberations, she claimed that Trump was “waging war“ against democracy.
- In June 2022, Clinton opined that “we’re about to lose our democracy,” thanks to Trump. Also, she predicted the “end of democracy“ if Republicans win the midterm elections in November.
- A search of her Twitter account results in dozens of references to “defending our democracy” over the years.

Clinton is hardly the only Democrat who has weaponized “democracy” against Republicans and other political opponents. Some examples include the following:

Is this just political hyperbole or do the Democrats seriously believe that a resounding Republican victory during the midterm elections would somehow “end democracy” in the United States? That the will of the people being expressed to toss the Democrats out for policies that have resulted in stagflation and open borders is in direct defiance to “democracy in America”?
It seems like Democrats define “democracy” as only working when Democrats get elected. That seems similar to how the CCP views “whole process people’s democracy” working in China!