The US-China Talks Highlight Four Facts

The US-China Talks Highlight Four Facts
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Tokyo, Japan, on July 20, 2021. (Eugene Hoshiko/AP Photo)
Wang Youqun

The U.S.-China talks in China’s Tianjin concluded with no specific outcomes over divergent values. However, the accusatory statements and wolf-warrior tactics revealed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) true intentions and concerns.

Early this year, the CCP leader Xi Jinping claimed that “time and momentum are on China’s side.” He also made judgments that “the East is rising while the West is declining” and “the United States is the biggest threat to our country’s development and security.”

Given Xi’s remarks and judgments, the CCP’s aggressive rhetoric and pointing the finger at the United States before, during, and after the U.S.-China talks are understandable. The Tianjin talks actually provided the global community with four facts about the CCP.

1. The CCP Is Declining

China’s state-run media publicized how Xi was welcomed and celebrated during his trip to Tibet right before the Tianjin talk. This is a routine propaganda tactic of the CCP to trumpet Xi’s popularity and leadership, a falsehood that “the East is rising while the West is declining.” The CCP wants to show the 1.4 billion Chinese that the CCP defeated the Western democracy.

What is the reality?

Xi’s last visit outside China was to Burma (also known as Myanmar) on Jan. 17 last year. As of July 28, 2021, it has been 18 months since Xi’s last overseas visit. However, world leaders have met frequently.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, European Council President Charles Michel, U.S. President Joe Biden, Japan's PM Yoshihide Suga, British PM Boris Johnson, Italy's PM Mario Draghi, French President Emmanuel Macron, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel pose for a group photo at the G7 summit, in Carbis Bay, Britain, on June 11, 2021. (Patrick Semansky/Pool/Reuters)
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, European Council President Charles Michel, U.S. President Joe Biden, Japan's PM Yoshihide Suga, British PM Boris Johnson, Italy's PM Mario Draghi, French President Emmanuel Macron, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel pose for a group photo at the G7 summit, in Carbis Bay, Britain, on June 11, 2021. (Patrick Semansky/Pool/Reuters)

Notably, U.S. President Joe Biden visited Britain from June 9 to 16 to attend the G7 summit, along with the heads of Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea, and South Africa, and the leaders of the European Union and the Secretary General of the United Nations. After the G7 summit, there were the U.S.-Europe summit and the U.S.-Russia summit. The leaders of major powers across the five continents were present at these events—but not Xi.

None of the foreign heads of states or governments attended the CCP’s 70th National Day anniversary on October 1, 2019. It was the same on July 1, 2021 when the CCP celebrated its centenary.

Pew Research Center released a survey on June 30 showing that an average of nearly 70 percent of the public in 17 advanced economies hold negative views of the CCP. Among them, Japan’s 88 percent is the highest, followed by 80 percent in Sweden, 78 percent in Australia, 77 percent in South Korea, and 76 percent in the United States. Over 80 percent of respondents in 15 economies believe that the CCP does not respect basic human rights. When asked, an average of 77 percent of the public don’t believe that the CCP leader Xi Jinping will make the right decisions in global affairs.

The CCP has become a loner in the international arena and is in freefall.

2. The CCP’s Wolf-Warrior Nature

Prior to the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Sherman’s arrival in Tianjin, on July 23, the CCP imposed sanctions on seven U.S. individuals and one entity, including former U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. Others sanctioned by the CCP include Chairman of U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Carolyn Bartholomew, former Staff Director of Congressional-Executive Commission on China Jonathan Stivers, Kim Doyun at National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, senior program manager of the International Republican Institute Adam King, China Director at Human Rights Watch Sophie Richardson, and Hong Kong Democratic Council.

The CCP Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng said during the U.S.-China talks that the China-U.S. relationship is in a stalemate, fundamentally because some Americans portray China as an “imagined enemy.” In a nutshell, the U.S.-China relations have deteriorated to the worst extent in more than 40 years of diplomatic relations. The regime considers the United States is to blame for all the inadequacies.

The fundamental reason for the CCP’s problems is internal issues, which are the crux of worsening U.S.-China relations. However, the CCP has not reflected on what it did wrong in U.S.-China relations, but consistently criticizes the United States.

On July 26, CCP Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a press conference that the Chinese side had put forward “four stops” in the U.S.-China talks. Namely: the U.S. side immediately stops interfering in China’s internal affairs, stops damaging China’s interests, stops crossing the red lines and playing with fire, and stops seeking bloc confrontation under the guise of values.

Among them, the most overused phrase by the CCP is “interference in China’s internal affairs.” The world has long become a global village where a villager will come forward to stop another who kills people and sets fire. This is not interfering with China’s internal affairs.

Take human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng as an example. A Chinese citizen, father, husband, Christian, and a living person has been “disappeared” by the CCP for over 3 years. The regime gives no word on his well-being and whereabouts to his family or those who care about him.

Grace Geng (R), daughter of Gao Zhisheng, a renowned human rights lawyer in China, holds her father's book "A Human Rights Lawyer under Torture the auto narratives of Gao Zhisheng," as lawmaker Albert Ho (L) looks on during a press conference at the Legislative Council Complex in Hong Kong on June 14, 2016. (Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images)
Grace Geng (R), daughter of Gao Zhisheng, a renowned human rights lawyer in China, holds her father's book "A Human Rights Lawyer under Torture the auto narratives of Gao Zhisheng," as lawmaker Albert Ho (L) looks on during a press conference at the Legislative Council Complex in Hong Kong on June 14, 2016. (Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images)

What is wrong with the United States condemning the CCP for trampling human rights? Is its concern for the life and death of attorney Gao harming or safeguarding the interests of the Chinese people? Does “crossing the red line” refer to defending the most basic conscience as a human being, is it playing with fire or standing up for what is right?

The CCP often denounces its opponents by ignoring its own faults that bear more serious consequences.

3. The CCP Deceives the Chinese and Americans

During the U.S.-China talks, the CCP put forward two lists to the United States: The “List of U.S. Wrongdoings” and the “List of Key Individual Cases.”

The top two items on the “List of U.S. Wrongdoings” China wants corrected were: visa restrictions on CCP members and their families, and sanctions on Chinese leaders, officials, and government departments.

To put it bluntly, the CCP demands that the U.S. government give the powerful and wealthy families of the regime a green light to freely travel to, study, and work in the United States, transfer their property there, use the U.S. financial system to make a fortune, and immigrate to the United States.

Once the reform and openness in China began in 1978, the CCP leader Deng Xiaoping put forth a plan to “let some people get rich first.” “Some people” refers to the Red elite families, second-generation and third-generation red, or second-generation and third-generation officials. They exploit their father’s and grandfather’s power to get rich first and go to the United States as CCP pioneers. First, they first take advantage of the Chinese people and then the Americans.

Former and present U.S. presidents have imposed restrictions on visas of certain senior CCP officials and their families, and sanctioned some senior CCP officials. These moves began to block the CCP elite families’ financial transfers and hit them hard. The CCP therefore put the two items at the top of the list.

The CCP, on the one hand, demands that the United States not interfere with its suppression of the people of Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet, and journalists, claiming that they are a domestic affair. On the other hand, the CCP demands that the United States give the Red elite families the green light. This is how the CCP protects the red elites with its claim to represent the 1.4 billion Chinese people.

Another item on the “List of U.S. Wrongdoings” is to revoke their extradition request for Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the Chinese telecom giant Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice testimony, Meng used seven different passports to enter the United States, including four Chinese passports with the number starting with G and three Hong Kong passports with the number starting with K. Hong Kong’s Ming Pao newspaper reported that Meng declared on Huawei’s annual return and declaration form in 2004 that she held a Chinese passport that had a number starting with P.

The CCP laws dictate that each citizen is allowed to hold only one household registration. One is deemed to have given up Chinese citizenship if holding a Hong Kong permanent resident status. According to Hong Kong law, anyone who has a Hong Kong passport is not allowed to hold a Chinese passport. However, Meng has eight passports obtained from China and Hong Kong.

Huawei Technologies Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou leaves her house on her way to a court appearance in Vancouver, Canada, on Jan. 17, 2020. The United States government accused Wanzhou of fraud after HSBC continued trade with Iran while sanctions were in place. (Jeff Vinnick/Getty Images)
Huawei Technologies Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou leaves her house on her way to a court appearance in Vancouver, Canada, on Jan. 17, 2020. The United States government accused Wanzhou of fraud after HSBC continued trade with Iran while sanctions were in place. (Jeff Vinnick/Getty Images)
Meng is the super privileged offspring of a powerful Red elite family. The CCP would not have put her on the “List of U.S. Wrongdoings” if Meng was one of the 600 million Chinese people earning only $155 a month.

4. The CCP Will Not Cooperate

In the Tianjin talks, Sherman reiterated that China should observe “rules-based international order.” The CCP Foreign Minister Wang Yi retorted, “What do the so-called ‘rules’ of the United States refer to? If they refer to the Charter of the United Nations (UN) and international law, China has long clearly stated that all countries should abide by them. If they refer to the so-called ‘rules’ formulated by the United States itself and a few countries, what is the reason for imposing them on China? China did not participate in the formulation, so why should China comply with them?”

Wang’s remarks are tantamount to rejecting the most fundamental aspect of the Biden administration’s foreign policy. How can the United States and China cooperate if the CCP does not abide by the “rules-based international order?”

Wang underlined three bottom lines for the Biden administration: First, the United States must not challenge, slander, or even attempt to subvert the path and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Second, the United States must not attempt to obstruct or interrupt China’s development process. Third, the United States must not infringe upon China’s state sovereignty or damage China’s territorial integrity.

That is, the Biden administration can only cooperate in accordance with the CCP’s rules.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Sherman had no intention of solving specific problems during her visit to China; she went find out the CCP’s bottom lines, which it provided during the talks.

The CCP has left the Biden administration with only one choice: confrontation. Faced with such a “wolf” that has gotten into all sorts of evil, taken advantage of the United States, and even bitten back, the Biden administration has to confront it.

The CCP Uses Belligerent Tactics to Disguise Its Biggest Concern

The CCP’s performance in the U.S.-China talks was indeed a huge disappointment. Its Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng, and spokesperson Zhao Lijian are front stage actors performing wolf-warrior tactics. Behind the show lies the CCP’s biggest concern—the United States and the global community are holding it accountable for the worldwide spread of Covid-19 that has caused more than 4 million deaths.
A woman walks by a memorial for those who have died from the CCP virus outside Green-Wood Cemetery in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on May 27, 2020. Green-Wood Cemetery, one of New York's oldest cemeteries, has been the site of hundreds of burials and cremations of Covid-19 victims. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
A woman walks by a memorial for those who have died from the CCP virus outside Green-Wood Cemetery in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on May 27, 2020. Green-Wood Cemetery, one of New York's oldest cemeteries, has been the site of hundreds of burials and cremations of Covid-19 victims. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Since the CCP (Chines Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, outbreak last year, the Chinese regime has been refusing the United States and the international community’s requests to conduct a comprehensive and detailed investigation into the origins of the virus. The CCP is well aware that exposing its lies and revealing the truth, may cause its demise.

As time goes by, the more truth comes to light, the more the fearful the CCP becomes. For example, Yuan Zhiming, the director of the P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, published an article in the “Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity” in 2019, acknowledging: “Laboratory biosafety is at risk.”

On July 15, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, “I think we owe it to the millions who suffered and to the millions who died to really understand what happened.”

To date, to prevent the United States and the international community from holding the CCP accountable for 4 million plus deaths from the virus, the CCP would rather run counter to the United States, by not abiding by the “rules” set by the United States and the international community.

The CCP has shown its cards to the United States in the U.S.-China talks. The next step is for the free world led by the United States to unite and besiege the CCP until its demise.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Wang Youqun holds a doctorate in law from the Renmin University of China. He previously worked as a copywriter for Wei Jianxing (1931–2015), a member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee, from 1997 to 2002.
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