- The coronavirus can be present in asymptomatic carriers who can transmit the disease to others.
- The coronavirus can infect many different kinds of animals that can pass the disease on to humans.
- There is no highly effective vaccine or antiviral treatment for coronavirus despite efforts by governments to obfuscate the failures of mRNA shots to provide the requisite protections and immunity.
To Contain the Outbreak
Well, that didn’t work, and we’ll never know how many Chinese were infected and died over the past three years because the CCP suppressed the truth. Does anyone seriously believe the numbers reported to Worldometers, which tracks virus cases and deaths worldwide? The current Chinese numbers are 5,245 deaths in three years—an absurd number out of a population of 1.4 billion people!Since the Chinese won’t share information on the virus genome, we don’t even know which variant(s) are in circulation in China. No wonder countries are requiring testing for any incoming Chinese visitors.

To Convince the World About China’s Leadership
CCP leader Xi Jinping has implemented a campaign to show the world that the “Chinese way” is best. All topics are propagated “with Chinese characteristics” to reinforce and propagandize that claim.To Reassert Authoritarian Controls
The virus presented the CCP with a golden opportunity to reassert authoritarian controls over the population through the accelerated implementation of surveillance and social control methods throughout society. This has long been a goal of the communists—to monitor and control all the daily activities of the Chinese to thwart any dissent and to reward CCP-approved behavior.To Hide China’s Emerging Economic Chaos
The CCP probably determined that measures to combat the virus could be used to hide the emerging economic problems in the Chinese real estate market, the growing debt crisis, and the problems created by a declining birth rate. Some CCP cadres certainly understood that the zero-COVID policy would roil the Chinese economy because mass quarantines would interrupt supply chains and drag productivity down due to widespread absenteeism.What better way to obfuscate those problems than to propagandize zero-COVID measures and claim they work for the rest of the world?
To Attack the US
Whether the virus release in Wuhan was inadvertent or planned, the CCP aimed its propaganda directly at the United States to create maximum chaos in the American economy and society at large. The CCP understands that anything that disrupts America by causing divisiveness, economic turmoil, and outright fear advances its goal of supplanting the United States as the world’s economic and geopolitical hegemon by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist Chinese regime.Could This Be the Real Reason for Zero COVID?
The above are logical reasons for implementing China’s zero COVID, and all or some could have played a part in the decision-making as the policy evolved and was implemented in China over the past three years. However, there may have been a hidden and self-serving reason that the CCP leadership supported the policy. And that was personal fear of catching the virus.
Concluding Thoughts
Did Xi Jinping blink when spontaneous riots erupted protesting his draconian COVID measures? Whatever the reason for the abrupt policy change that is opening up China, Western media are currently focused on the virus outbreaks and deaths.An unanswered question is why the unscientific policy was implemented in the first place. There are several politically motivated possibilities that were summarized above. However, it is entirely possible that the virus presented an existential threat to the CCP leadership and elite themselves since a significant number of them and their families are immune-compromised from the drug therapy associated with having received organ transplants.
Since those organs were probably harvested from unwilling donors per the current CCP policy on organ harvesting, this is indeed karma!