The Time Is Now to Thoroughly Reject Marxism in Its Modern Guise

The Time Is Now to Thoroughly Reject Marxism in Its Modern Guise
A child plays football with his father at Can Pere Antoni Beach in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on April 26, 2020. Jaime Reina/AFP via Getty Images
Eric Abetz

The Marxist ideology wherever it has been practised in government has left a trail of oppression and economic stagnation. Millions of martyrs bear witness to that fact as did millions who succumbed to unnecessary starvation.

Be it in the USSR, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, or Venezuela, it has never provided freedom and economic prosperity as enjoyed in the West.

There is a reason for that outcome.

Stifling individual freedom stifles society and its well-being as a whole because society is the sum total of all the individuals in it—it’s amazing how acceptance of an oppressive ideology blinds.

On his retirement, former President of the United States Ronald Reagan, a great orator, made the observation that during his lifetime, he had seen the birth and death of communism. He was referring to that truly evil empire known as the Soviet Union.

That statement in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, due in no small part to his leadership and that of Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul, was understandable. But it was made too early and did not take into account the changing tactics of Marxist influence.

Having realised that the workers’ revolution would never take place given how well they were actually faring, the institutions became the target of the Marxists, and the results are plainly staring us in the face.

Be it the education system and its concentration on indoctrination rather than critical thinking, the corrosive influence of the Black Lives Matter movement, or attempts to destroy the family unit, there is the nefarious influence of the Marxist ideology which has already caused so much devastation to millions of people around the world.

Emerging Political Courage

So, it is welcome to have former Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott call out this nefarious influence for what it is. He provides a reality check to those leaders who blindly adopt the Marxist rhetoric and unwittingly help them implement their agenda.

The obvious Marxist creep into our institutions, as expressed by “woke” business leaders and sports officials, needs to be arrested before it is too late.

Indigenous artwork is seen on the centre court during the round 12 Super Netball match between Queensland Firebirds and Melbourne Vixens at Nissan Arena, in Brisbane, Australia, on June 4, 2023. (Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images)
Indigenous artwork is seen on the centre court during the round 12 Super Netball match between Queensland Firebirds and Melbourne Vixens at Nissan Arena, in Brisbane, Australia, on June 4, 2023. Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images

And whilst the creep appears to have gathered pace into a veritable march, it is never too late to stop this evil from further permeating our society.

After that, the task is to return to the principles of freedom and the virtues which have underpinned our success thus far.

Australian Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor in reverting to Menzian principles has adopted the courage and grit in recent presentations to remind us of lasting and tried virtues which have delivered in such a bountiful way.

Leader of the centre-right Liberal party Peter Dutton has also taken on the challenge to remind us of the virtue of equality between people in opposing The Voice.

To overcome a problem, it must first be recognised, and that is what Mr. Abbott has done with great force and insight.

In recent times, too many liberals, business leaders, and sporting identities have become the “useful idiots” of the Marxist elements by lusting after popularity and acceptance in certain quarters with a focus on self and career rather than a duty to country and society.

Leadership requires calling things out for what they are. It appears the new Coalition leadership in Australia is willing to do exactly what is required.

Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton (right) is seen speaking during the Queensland Liberal National Party annual conference in Brisbane, Australia, on July 8, 2023. (AAP Image/Darren England)
Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton (right) is seen speaking during the Queensland Liberal National Party annual conference in Brisbane, Australia, on July 8, 2023. AAP Image/Darren England

The founder of Australia’s most successful political party, Sir Robert Menzies, clearly enunciated in the party’s founding principles that the Liberal Party would oppose autocracy whether communist or fascist.

Yet when corrosive concepts, such as the so-called Safe Schools programme for sexual and gender diversity awareness, are put forward by a self-avowed Marxist who tells us it is part of the Marxist agenda, we have leaders turning a blind eye.

Embrace What Brought Us Prosperity

In more recent times, we have had the same permeating influence with the Indigenous Voice to Parliament campaign, an architect of which is also a self-avowed Marxist. Yet we have well-meaning people turn a blind eye and tell us that there is “nothing to be seen here.”

The threats to every individual, our societal institutions, and economic well-being by the Marxist influence need to be challenged by advocating the timeless values of freedom of thought, expression, and religion and the spirit of the individual.

The rule of law is so often disregarded to allegedly show empathy with an alleged victim.

The list goes on of instances in which the virtues and values which have made the West the envy of the world are being corroded from within by forces committed to the overthrow of a society that has in fact allowed them to flourish.

With Mr. Abbott’s clarion call about the threat of Marxism together with the embracing of the virtues of liberty and true equality by the Coalition, Australia may well be waking from its slumber during which Marxist forces have gained undeserved ground.

Traditional virtues and values became traditional by sheer dint of the fact that they serve us well. Marxist experimentation has devastated too many of our fellow humans to be tried in the West. The time for a re-embracing of our traditional values has well and truly come.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Eric Abetz
Eric Abetz
The Hon. Eric Abetz was an Australian Liberal Party senator from 1994-2022. He has held several cabinet positions and served on parliamentary committees examining Electoral Matters, Native Title, Legal and Constitutional Affairs, as well as Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade.
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